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Tiled Map Documentation #18

Open lunaiwa opened 5 months ago

lunaiwa commented 5 months ago

Initial Attempt... 👎

Libraries and Frameworks: Initially attempting to use the Tiled maps on Java >

for (int i = startLayerIndex; i <= endLayerIndex; i++) { MapLayer layer = tiledMap.getLayer(i); if (layer instanceof TileLayer) { layersToRender.add((TileLayer) layer); } }

    } catch (IOException e) {
    } catch (Exception e) {
        // Handle other Exception

## Rendering in JS Instead

[Rendering in web](
- some inital concerns I had even when trying to render on java was the .tsx file which had underlines and error but it is supposed to be like that ? I looked to see but yeah that is right


Load game assets (**.tmg**, images, audio, ect) using the asset manager 
★ use .tmg one big mistake I made was trying to use the .tmx :(

register() { stage.iLoader.addAudio(url) stage.iLoader.addImage(url) stage.iLoader.addTileMap(url) } app.preloadAllData()

After using the preloadAllData the data is seen on the init() and start()
★ tilemaps, tilesets, images SHOULD ALL BE IN THE SAME FOLDER!!!
using the .tmg tilemaps to draw and organize the system levels
1. add the tilemap and load it
2. make a draw object in init() or the start()
3. ^^ makes a tilemap layer on canvas

init() { this.tiledLayer = this.draw.tiledLayer("tilemap_layer_key", "tilemap_key", setBoundaries, shapeMask); }

**Collisions via Layers**

Pass true as 3 parameter >> to extract the boundries on the tilemap layer

this.draw.tiledLayer("tilemap_layer_key", "tilemap_key", true, shapeMask);

 Boundaries/Collision layer is then retrieved through >>
The method also uses for collision calculations


This is what the folder should look like >
- The images folder should contain the Tiled, Tilemap, and Tiles
- The audio folder should contain all audio snippets you want to use (they should be .mp3 files)

<img width="344" alt="Screenshot 2024-02-07 at 12 21 20 PM" src="">

- make sure that the tile maps have a packed and unpacked