lunapaint / vscode-luna-paint

A raster image editor extension for VS Code
279 stars 25 forks source link

Source code #114

Closed Heath123 closed 2 years ago

Heath123 commented 2 years ago

There seems to be no source code in the repo, and the license says All Rights Reserved - is this extension closed source? If so, are there any plans to open source it?

Tyriar commented 2 years ago

Yes, the extension is closed source right now. I've considered opening it up, but don't think it will happen in the foreseeable future. My main reasoning being:

Heath123 commented 2 years ago

I think that's a shame, because this seems like a decent cross-platform Paint.NET rival that could be a great community project and maybe be standalone at some point, and I would like to try to contribute to this. Obviously it's entirely your choice but I think maybe I can address some of those problems:

If existing licenses don't fit your needs you can always write your own, so I think open sourcing this is still something you should consider.

Tyriar commented 2 years ago

I'm definitely still considering it, just once it's done it can never be undone. Or if you try, a subsection of the community will hate you like has happened in some other projects that decided to go closed or use more restrictive licences.

Just want to keep my options open for now.

Thanks for the feedback 🙂

elazarcoh commented 1 year ago

Hi @Tyriar, I have an Extension that lets you view images during Python debug, and I was thinking about improving the image viewer with some features that which I'll need to write my own viewer, which I tried but without much success. The learning-curve too steep to get something work in the limited time I have to develop it, using the method I tried (threejs). I hoped to get some help from luna-paint source code as a reference. I would really appreciate if you can help me with one of the following:

  1. Part of the source code just to make an image viewer with zooming and panning features. I need the ability to add the grid lines luna-paint has when zooming-in for example, so using base html components won't work for me.
  2. Direct me to your approach to get it running (html canvas? webgl? maybe some library?)

The features that I'll add up eventually are:

I think that luna-paint is exactly what I need for reference, but I understand your point of not wanting to share the full source code. I hope this isn't too much to ask, maybe what I'm asking is exactly the kind of thing that you don't want to share, and I would understand it. You can answer to me by mail if you like: Thanks, Elazar

Tyriar commented 1 year ago

@elazarcoh luna paint uses raw webgl which I would not recommend unless you already know how it works. A 2d canvas context would be the most approachable way of drawing some grid lines

elazarcoh commented 1 year ago

@Tyriar Thanks. I find 2d canvas too inconvenient to implement the required features. Instead, I got into learning webgl. Thanks anyway.