lunarmodules / busted

Elegant Lua unit testing.
MIT License
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Fixed utf8 characters not displaying in some environments #723

Closed Commandcracker closed 1 year ago

Commandcracker commented 1 year ago

My solution is the same as calling utf8.char. I did not use utf8.char because it was added in 5.3, and it would break on Lua version below it.

Commandcracker commented 1 year ago

Specifically which environments is Busted being run in that can't display an utf8 character like this?

Any Lua lexer that dos not handle utf8 characters properly. I used CraftOS-PC in headless mode.

And will this break on any other environments that currently work?

No, it won't break any other environments. Because it is basically just escaping the character.


> for _,v in pairs({tostring("◼"):byte(1,-1)}) do print(v) end
> for _,v in pairs({tostring("\226\151\188"):byte(1,-1)}) do print(v) end

It is also a general bad practice writing none ASCII characters unescaped in code. This is the reason why python has "\N{}", it escapes the character and still keeps the readability. And one reason for Lua 5.3+ having "utf8.char".