lunarmodules / busted

Elegant Lua unit testing.
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the comand line argument with space will be split when use --lua #728

Open zhanlangorz opened 11 months ago

zhanlangorz commented 11 months ago

I need to use resty to run busted, so i use the lua options in .busted configure file like this.

return {

  default = {
    lua = "spec/resty_runner.lua",

the spec/resty_runner file content is:

local RESTY_FLAGS = os.getenv("BUSTED_RESTY_FLAGS") or "-e 'setmetatable(_G, nil)'"
local json = require("cjson")

-- rebuild the invoked commandline, while inserting extra resty-flags
local cmd = {
    "--shdict='tapis_inner_cache 10m'",
    "--shdict='app_cache 10m'",
    "--shdict='local_cache_ipc 10m'",
for i, param in ipairs(arg) do
    table.insert(cmd, "'" .. param .. "'")

local _, _, rc = os.execute(table.concat(cmd, " "))

Then i run busted like this: busted '--filter' 'get_subscribe_anchors get success'

The arg on spec/resty_runner print


The --filter option value become: "4":"get_subscribe_anchors","5":"get","6":"success"

But the true one is 'get_subscribe_anchors get success'

So, how to get the true option value with space in my spec/resty_runner?