lunarmodules / luafilesystem

LuaFileSystem is a Lua library developed to complement the set of functions related to file systems offered by the standard Lua distribution.
MIT License
914 stars 292 forks source link

load on windows fails #149

Open hlizard opened 3 years ago

hlizard commented 3 years ago

luarocks.bat install luafilesystem Installing

luafilesystem 1.8.0-1 depends on lua >= 5.1 (5.1-1 provided by VM) F:\i686-8.1.0-release-posix-dwarf-rt_v6-rev0\mingw32\bin\gcc.exe -O2 -c -o src/lfs.o -Ic:\users\public\lua\LuaRocks\include src/lfs.c F:\i686-8.1.0-release-posix-dwarf-rt_v6-rev0\mingw32\bin\gcc.exe -shared -o lfs.dll src/lfs.o c:\users\public\lua\LuaRocks/lua5.1.dll -lMSVCR80 luafilesystem 1.8.0-1 is now installed in c:\users\public\lua\LuaRocks\systree (license: MIT/X11)

but 'require "lfs"' failure: The procedure entry point _utime could not be located in the dynamic link library c:\users\public\lua\LuaRocks\systree\lib\lua\5.1\lfs.dll

hlizard commented 3 years ago

windows 10 x64

luarocks.bat config: accept_unknown_fields = false arch = "win32-x86" cache = { luajit_version_checked = true } cache_fail_timeout = 86400 cache_timeout = 60 check_certificates = false cmake_generator = "MinGW Makefiles" config_files = { nearest = "c:/users/public/lua/LuaRocks/config-5.1.lua", system = { file = "c:/users/public/lua/LuaRocks/config-5.1.lua", found = true }, user = { file = "C:/Users/ding/AppData/Roaming/luarocks/config-5.1.lua", found = false } } connection_timeout = 30 deploy_bin_dir = "c:\users\public\lua\LuaRocks\systree/bin" deploy_lib_dir = "c:\users\public\lua\LuaRocks\systree/lib/lua/5.1" deploy_lua_dir = "c:\users\public\lua\LuaRocks\systree/share/lua/5.1" deps_mode = "one" disabled_servers = {} export_path_separator = ";" external_deps_dirs = { "c:/external/", "c:/mingw", "c:/windows/system32" } external_deps_patterns = { bin = { "?.exe", "?.bat" }, include = { "?.h" }, lib = { "lib?.dll.a", "?.dll.a", "lib?.a", "cyg?.dll", "lib?.dll", "?.dll", "?.lib" } } external_deps_subdirs = { bin = "bin", include = "include", lib = { "", "lib", "bin" } } external_lib_extension = "dll" fs_use_modules = false home = "C:\Users\ding\AppData\Roaming" home_tree = "C:\Users\ding\AppData\Roaming/luarocks" homeconfdir = "C:\Users\ding\AppData\Roaming/luarocks" hooks_enabled = true lib_extension = "dll" lib_modules_path = "/lib/lua/5.1" link_lua_explicitly = true local_by_default = false local_cache = "C:\Users\ding\AppData\Local/LuaRocks/Cache" lua_extension = "lua" lua_found = { lua_bindir = "c:\users\public\lua\LuaRocks", lua_dir = "c:\users\public\lua\LuaRocks", lua_interpreter = "lua5.1.exe", lua_version = "5.1" } lua_interpreter = "lua5.1" lua_modules_path = "/share/lua/5.1" lua_version = "5.1" major_version = "3.5" makefile = "Makefile" no_manifest = false obj_extension = "o" processor = "x86" program_series = "3.5" program_version = "3.5.0" rocks_dir = "c:\users\public\lua\LuaRocks\systree/lib/luarocks/rocks-5.1" rocks_servers = { { "", "", "", "" } } rocks_subdir = "/lib/luarocks/rocks-5.1" rocks_trees = { { name = "user", root = "C:\Users\ding\AppData\Roaming/luarocks" }, { name = "system", root = "c:\users\public\lua\LuaRocks\systree" } } runtime_external_deps_patterns = { bin = { "?.exe", "?.bat" }, include = { "?.h" }, lib = { "cyg?.dll", "?.dll", "lib?.dll" } } runtime_external_deps_subdirs = { bin = "bin", include = "include", lib = { "", "lib", "bin" } } static_lib_extension = "a" sysconfdir = "c:\users\public\lua\LuaRocks" target_cpu = "x86" upload = { api_version = "1", server = "", tool_version = "1.0.0" } user_agent = "LuaRocks/3.5.0 win32-x86" variables = { AR = "F:\i686-8.1.0-release-posix-dwarf-rt_v6-rev0\mingw32\bin\ar.exe", BUNZIP2 = "bunzip2", CC = "F:\i686-8.1.0-release-posix-dwarf-rt_v6-rev0\mingw32\bin\gcc.exe", CFLAGS = "-O2", CHMOD = "chmod", CMAKE = "cmake", CP = "\"c:\users\public\lua\LuaRocks/tools/cp.exe\"", CURL = "curl", CURLNOCERTFLAG = "-k", CVS = "cvs", FIND = "\"c:\users\public\lua\LuaRocks/tools/find.exe\"", GIT = "git", GPG = "gpg", GUNZIP = "gunzip", HG = "hg", ICACLS = "icacls", LD = "F:\i686-8.1.0-release-posix-dwarf-rt_v6-rev0\mingw32\bin\gcc.exe", LIBFLAG = "-shared", LIB_EXTENSION = "dll", LS = "\"c:\users\public\lua\LuaRocks/tools/ls.exe\"", LUA = "c:\users\public\lua\LuaRocks/lua5.1", LUALIB = "lua5.1.dll", LUA_BINDIR = "c:\users\public\lua\LuaRocks", LUA_DIR = "c:\users\public\lua\LuaRocks", LUA_INCDIR = "c:\users\public\lua\LuaRocks\include", LUA_LIBDIR = "c:\users\public\lua\LuaRocks", LUA_LIBDIR_FILE = "lua5.1.dll", MAKE = "F:\i686-8.1.0-release-posix-dwarf-rt_v6-rev0\mingw32\bin\mingw32-make.exe", MD5 = "md5", MD5SUM = "\"c:\users\public\lua\LuaRocks/tools/md5sum.exe\"", MKDIR = "\"c:\users\public\lua\LuaRocks/tools/mkdir.exe\"", MKTEMP = "mktemp", MSVCRT = "MSVCR80", MT = "mt", OBJ_EXTENSION = "o", OPENSSL = "openssl", PWD = "\"c:\users\public\lua\LuaRocks/tools/pwd.exe\"", RANLIB = "F:\i686-8.1.0-release-posix-dwarf-rt_v6-rev0\mingw32\bin\ranlib.exe", RC = "F:\i686-8.1.0-release-posix-dwarf-rt_v6-rev0\mingw32\bin\windres.exe", RM = "rm", RMDIR = "\"c:\users\public\lua\LuaRocks/tools/rmdir.exe\"", ROCKS_TREE = "c:\users\public\lua\LuaRocks\systree/lib/luarocks/rocks-5.1", RSYNC = "rsync", RSYNCFLAGS = "--exclude=.git -Oavz", SCP = "scp", SCRIPTS_DIR = "c:\users\public\lua\LuaRocks\systree/bin", SEVENZ = "\"c:\users\public\lua\LuaRocks/tools/7z.exe\"", SSCM = "sscm", SVN = "svn", TAR = "tar", TOUCH = "touch", UNZIP = "unzip -n", WGET = "\"c:\users\public\lua\LuaRocks/tools/wget.exe\"", WGETNOCERTFLAG = "--no-check-certificate", ZIP = "zip" } verbose = false web_browser = "start" wrapper_suffix = ".bat"

hlizard commented 3 years ago

remove -lMSVCR80 works!