lunarmodules / luasql

LuaSQL is a simple interface from Lua to a DBMS.
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Failed cloning git repository. #154

Closed cargreg closed 11 months ago

cargreg commented 11 months ago

Hi, given that i'm a newbie to lua i tring to install the rock throug luarocks,

luarocks install luasql-mysql Installing Cloning into 'luasql'... Error: Failed cloning git repository.

i think that is coused by url source = { url = "git://", branch = "2.6.0", }

if i try to clone the repo git clone git:// Cloning into 'luasql'... it hang

but if i change the protocol to https git clone Cloning into 'luasql'... remote: Enumerating objects: 2909, done. remote: Counting objects: 100% (94/94), done. remote: Compressing objects: 100% (64/64), done. remote: Total 2909 (delta 47), reused 51 (delta 30), pack-reused 2815 Receiving objects: 100% (2909/2909), 800.01 KiB | 4.71 MiB/s, done. Resolving deltas: 100% (1767/1767), done. it works

tomasguisasola commented 11 months ago

I've just uploaded new rockspecs for each driver that should solve this problem. Anyway, I think LuaRocks 3.9 automatically manages this problem.

Please check if it corrects your problem and close this issue if it does. Or tell me what happens.

cargreg commented 11 months ago

problem solved