lunduniversity / introprog

Teaching material for "Introduction to Programming using Scala" at Lund University, LTH.
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proj-bank: mismatch between given code in compendium and workspace folder #626

Closed snctfd closed 2 years ago

snctfd commented 2 years ago

For the bank project, the workspace/ directory provides three given .scala files: time/Date.scala, BankEvent.scala, and HistoryEntry.scala. However, the compendium additionally provides specifications (i.e. method declarations without implementation) for the classes Customer, Bank, and BankAccount. These classes are missing in the workspace/ directory, however, which has led to some confusion among students along with adding "pointless" work to the project in the form of copying and pasting the class definitions from the PDF.

I suggest we either add these three classes to the workspace/ directory, or remove their specifications from the compendium.