lunduniversity / introprog

Teaching material for "Introduction to Programming using Scala" at Lund University, LTH.
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all-lectures.tex does not compile with lecturehandouts.cls on ubuntu 22.04 #649

Closed bjornregnell closed 2 years ago

bjornregnell commented 2 years ago

what is the diff in packages between lecturenotes.cls nd lecturehandouts.cls

this is the error:

Runaway argument?
\relax \beamer@origitem {\ifhmode \unskip \unskip 
! Paragraph ended before \@car was complete.
<to be read again> 
l.7     \item
              Kursens \Alert{slutna} sida bakom inloggningsvägg: \url{https...

Seems to be casued by \item[] for non-bullet items (this works with lecturenotes)

bjornregnell commented 2 years ago

This problem occurs on Ubuntu 22.04 but not 20.04 or earlier.

bjornregnell commented 2 years ago

Some package missing? Or some package versions that are old?

bjornregnell commented 2 years ago

fixed by 9cb0e052d6f653fd657a57607144bb3e6d23a063 and ec8e664e59eb7f266f2106dddb1eb5355eb7fdd7