lunduniversity / introprog

Teaching material for "Introduction to Programming using Scala" at Lund University, LTH.
140 stars 167 forks source link

remove old use of the scala runner primitive -cp option in favour of scala-cli --jar option #733

Closed bjornregnell closed 1 year ago

bjornregnell commented 1 year ago

search for classpath and update slides and exercises and workspace and whatnot

bjornregnell commented 1 year ago

search also for -cp

bjornregnell commented 1 year ago

search also for scalac

bjornregnell commented 1 year ago

partly fixed by

bjornregnell commented 1 year ago

many fixes in latest commits, now probably done... last commit: c0bce42bdad26abda9d259874856c7c08287bd86