lunduniversity / introprog

Teaching material for "Introduction to Programming using Scala" at Lund University, LTH.
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Rewrite quickref regarding Option, Some, None, and Try, Success, Failure as mentioned in linked issue: FIX #788 #789

Closed EliasAAradsson closed 3 weeks ago

EliasAAradsson commented 6 months ago

FIX #788

EliasAAradsson commented 6 months ago

Pull request now ready for review. I've made two radically different alternatives (called "Alternative 1" and "Alternative 2") both addressing the overflow problem stemming from the addition of info on predicates. My favorite is "Alternative 1" since this alternative adheres to the idea of the quickref being an exam aid (focus on syntax), which is why the other one is commented out, but of course it's for you to decide. However, I must say that I would prefer throwing out the entire Java reference from the booklet. Thereby freeing 4 entire pages for printing more useful-during-exam Scala stuff.

bjornregnell commented 3 weeks ago

I'm closing this in favor of a bigger overhaul of methods. Thanks for the issue #788 - Iä'll use that when going through the quickref hopefully next week.