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Detect and display meeting's action items #15

Open chris-miaskowski opened 8 months ago

chris-miaskowski commented 8 months ago

Title: Detect and Display Meeting's Action Items from Transcription

As a: User of LUNI.AI

I want: The system to automatically analyze the post-meeting transcription and identify action items,

So that: I can easily view a list of tasks and their context without having to manually extract them from the meeting.

Acceptance Criteria

Automatic Analysis: After the meeting concludes, the system should process the transcription to identify potential action items.

Contextual Linking: Each detected action item should be linked to a specific reference point in the meeting.

Display List: Present the user with a clearly formatted list of identified action items.

Clickable Navigation: From the list, users should be able to click on an action item and be navigated to the relevant point on the meeting timeline.

Reference Point Details: Each reference point should display both the time of the meeting when the action item was discussed and a short quote for context.


The algorithm for detecting action items should prioritize accuracy to avoid overloading users with irrelevant points. Consider using language patterns associated with tasks, such as "Let's do...", "We should...", or "Can someone...".

Out of Scope

Direct integration for task tracking or management systems.

chris-miaskowski commented 8 months ago

try to link to source est: 0.5d