luni64 / TeensyHelpers

A couple of utility functions and classes to improve usage of the Teensy IntervalTimer class, the attachInterrupt and the pinMode function.
MIT License
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Typo in attachYieldFunc.cpp #1

Closed wwatson4506 closed 3 years ago

wwatson4506 commented 3 years ago

In TeensyHelpers I could not compile attachYieldFunc.cpp. The compiler said it could not find 'Eventresponder.h'. That was because the EventResponder include filename is 'EventResponder.h'. The 'r' in the filename was in lower case instead of upper case. I fixed that and it compile ok.

Thanks for creating these great libraries. I am having a lot of fun testing them with MSC. I have made some good progress with using them.


luni64 commented 3 years ago

Thanks, should be fixed