luni64 / TeensyStep

Fast Stepper Motor Library for Teensy boards
MIT License
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The analog Joystick code doesn't work on the STM32F4 #155

Open chihoonl opened 1 year ago

chihoonl commented 1 year ago

First, I'd like to thank Luni64 for letting me use this awesome library. Sorry about that I don't know whether this is an issue with the library or a minor mistake in my code. But the code is fully tested on Teensy 3.xx. But it doesn't work on STM32F4(Nucleo F446re, Nucleo F429zi. I tried on F411, F401 also.) Unfortunately, I'm a newbie to STM32, so I don't know what I'm missing. (Oddly enough, when I tested simply Teensystep's classes on STM32F4 without using the joystick, most of it worked.) Teensy 3.xx is discontinued, and I have no choice except to port my longtime projects with Teensystep to STM32. Would anyone please advise me?

#include "Arduino.h"
#include "TeensyStep.h"

const int JOY_X_PIN = A0;
const int MOTOR_STEP_PIN = 3;
const int MOTOR_DIR_PIN = 2;
const int MAX_SPEED = 18000;
const int ACCELERATION = 9000;

RotateControl rotateControl;

void setup() {

float transformPot(float analogVal) {
  if (analogVal > 550) {
    return map(analogVal, 550, 1023, 0.0f, 1.0f);
  } else if (analogVal < 420) {
    return map(analogVal, 0, 420, -1.0f, 0.0f);
  } else {
    return 0.0f;

void loop() {
  static float oldOvrX = 0.0f;
  float ovrX = transformPot(analogRead(JOY_X_PIN));
  if (oldOvrX != ovrX) {
    oldOvrX = ovrX;
EeeLo commented 1 year ago

The lib is working on the STM32F4 well, I'm running with Nucleo F446RE board,the only problem is the RotateConteoller can't restart motor after overridespeed(0), I change the code to do that but not prefect. /src/timer/stm32/TimerField.h

void TimerField::setStepFrequency(unsigned f) { if(f == 0){ stepTimerStop(); return; } stepTimer.setOverflow(f, HERTZ_FORMAT); } to

void TimerField::setStepFrequency(unsigned f) { /* if(f == 0){ stepTimerStop(); return; } */ stepTimer.setOverflow(f, HERTZ_FORMAT); }

You can running on STM32F4 after this change,but you know, the stop cmd will not work,I'm researching it to find out another good way to fix it.

chihoonl commented 1 year ago

I appreciated your great comment, I will test it again soon with this modified code! Thanks, EeeLo.

EeeLo commented 1 year ago

I appreciated your great comment, I will test it again soon with this modified code! Thanks, EeeLo.

You are wellcome, you also can use :if(f ==0) return;