luni64 / VisualTeensy

VisualCode projects for PJRC Teensy boards
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Upload via teensy.exe doesn't work #24

Closed jonbro closed 4 years ago

jonbro commented 4 years ago

When uploading via teensy.exe, I get the following failure: Teensy Loader could not find the file teensyPlaits this is the result of running the command: C:\Users\jonbro\Documents\teensyPlaits>"C:\PROGRA~2\Arduino\hardware\tools/teensy_post_compile" -test -file=teensyPlaits -path=".vsteensy\build" -tools="C:\PROGRA~2\Arduino\hardware\tools" -board=TEENSY40 -reboot It seems like the issue is that teensy_post_compile requires the full path, so switching the command to the following works C:\Users\jonbro\Documents\teensyPlaits>"C:\PROGRA~2\Arduino\hardware\tools/teensy_post_compile" -test -file=teensyPlaits -path="C:\Users\jonbro\Documents\teensyPlaits\.vsteensy\build" -tools="C:\PROGRA~2\Arduino\hardware\tools" -board=TEENSY40 -reboot

luni64 commented 4 years ago

This is strange, works here. Can you provide some context? Versions of Arduino/Teensyduino and VisualTeensy?

Here the output when I manually call make upload from the project root folder (removed the @ in the makefile to see the command)

PS C:\Users\lutz\source\Teensy\TestProject> C:\toolchain\make\make.exe upload
"C:\PROGRA~1\Arduino\ARDUIN~1.9\hardware\tools/teensy_post_compile" -test -file=TestProject -path=.vsteensy/build -tools="C:\PROGRA~1\Arduino\ARDUIN~1.9\hardware\tools" -board=TEENSY40 -reboot
PS C:\Users\lutz\source\Teensy\TestProject>