luni64 / attachInterruptEx

MIT License
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Не работает #include <array> #1

Open smygly opened 3 months ago

smygly commented 3 months ago

In file included from E:\Arduino\libraries\AttachInterruptEx\src/attachInterruptEx.h:4:0, from E:\sketch200324.ino:8: E:\Arduino\libraries\CallbackHelper\src/CallbackHelper.h:4:10: fatal error: array: No such file or directory



compilation terminated. exit status 1

luni64 commented 3 months ago

Which board is this?

smygly commented 3 months ago

Arduino nano 328

luni64 commented 3 months ago

Sorry, the lib won't work with avr-gcc. It needs some more modern c++ features.

smygly commented 3 months ago

Почему тогда эта библиотека есть в списке библиотек arduino ide ?
возможно ли сделать так чтобы работало?

luni64 commented 3 months ago

Because Arduino is much more than those ancient avr328 boards. The lib should work for boards using a full version of gcc

smygly commented 3 months ago

Скажите для каких плат будет работать?

luni64 commented 3 months ago

I tested it with the following boards, but it will probably work with any other arduino compatible non avr board as well

[env:teensy41] board = teensy41

[env:TeensyLC] board = teensylc

[env:ESP32] platform = espressif32 board = upesy_wroom

[env:XIAO] board = seeed_xiao platform = atmelsam

[env:nano33] board = nano_33_iot platform = atmelsam

[env:Nucleo F401-RE] board = nucleo_f401re platform = ststm32

smygly commented 3 months ago

ПОнял , спасибо. В таком случае эта информация оченть прогодится пользователям.