lunisolar /

Editor for Turtle (Terse RDF Triple Language, TTL) files. This is a plugin for IntelliJ IDEA, IDEA Community Edition and others IDE environments based on IntelliJ Platform (also described here)
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Plugin is not indexing some resources #29

Closed Antoniossss closed 2 years ago

Antoniossss commented 2 years ago

When I define a new resource like eg

@prefix wec:                  <http://someurl#> .
   a sh:PropertyShape; 
   some other triples

for whatever resons plugin says Unresolved reference "http://someurl#globalTargetGraphProperty". Sometimes it works correctly and even allows me to navigate between ttl files by ctrl clicking resources, but frankly not always.

Are there any requiremets for resources to be indexed properly across ttls files ? Do I have to somehow add ttl file to triplestore??

Updating from 0.11.2 to 011.5 did might have helped, but it could be just intellj restart as well. I will monitor the issue.

lunisolar commented 2 years ago

Sorry for overdue response.

I expect that this is caching issue. First implementation reference resolution in plugin did not used indexing at all, as it was not yet implemented.

I will try to reproduce this, but just not yet, as I'm too deeply into the Shacl validations for the 12.x version.

Are there any requirements for resources to be indexed properly across ttls files ?

Indexing - Not really, any TTL file should be included automatically. There are however caveats.

In IntelliJ based IDEs you should be actually be able to force re-indexing. This includes restart - so for diagnostic purposes it will just rested everything.

lunisolar commented 2 years ago

After some investigation I now see that the same happens for SHACL inspection that I'm working on - and it is a blocker for both of them. I'm building solution now.

To provide background: Inspections are triggered before file is indexed. It is drawback of aiming with the index to be in triple-store instead of usual IntelliJ way.

I see two potential ways:

lunisolar commented 2 years ago

Pending release: