lunixbochs / glshim

OpenGL 1.x driver shim for OpenGL ES devices.
MIT License
159 stars 32 forks source link

GPU CI #169

Open lunixbochs opened 7 years ago

lunixbochs commented 7 years ago

Use #168 to push from apitrace, native startup/demo, or x86 rr process to a variety of boards / envs.

Use network boot where possible to allow kernel change or watchdogs, relays to control power.

Add glReadPixels hook for now to record frames. Also have non-record mode for benchmarking. Calibrate benchmarks against glxgears or something to notice when env fps tanks or gpu breaks (then can cycle power if a native test doesn't work)

Run calls and image against gl4es and image against native apitrace if possible.

Also record GL -> GLES call mappings and diff them (easier to do than image).

Fixed image resolution?

lunixbochs commented 7 years ago

Emit microsecond frame timings.