luntergroup / octopus

Bayesian haplotype-based mutation calling
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Forest file is still not available for donwloading "std::bad_alloc Error" #268

Open hfl112 opened 8 months ago

hfl112 commented 8 months ago

octopus v0.7.4 system: HPC run with 4cpus and 16G memory

source /home/hef/Tools/miniconda3/etc/profile.d/;conda activate octopus octopus -R Homo_sapiens_assembly38.fasta -I 466_WES.dedupped.realigned.recal.bam -C cancer --min-mapping-quality 10 --sequence-error-model PCR-FREE.HISEQ-4000 --forest germline.v0.7.4.forest.gz --somatic-forest somatic.v0.7.4.forest.gz --threads 4 -o octopus.2.vcf Error: [2023-10-19 21:51:21] chr6_GL000252v2_alt:4604811 97.4% 8h 12m 13m 28s [2023-10-19 21:51:21] chr6_GL000254v2_alt:4827813 97.5% 8h 12m 12m 25s [2023-10-19 21:51:22] chr6_GL000255v2_alt:4606388 97.7% 8h 12m 11m 54s [2023-10-19 21:51:22] chr6_GL000256v2_alt:4929269 97.8% 8h 12m 10m 51s [2023-10-19 21:59:38] - 100% 8h 20m - [2023-10-19 21:59:51] Starting Call Set Refinement (CSR) filtering [2023-10-19 21:59:53] Removed 6209 temporary files [2023-10-19 21:59:54] A program error has occurred: [2023-10-19 21:59:54] [2023-10-19 21:59:54] Encountered an exception during calling 'std::bad_alloc'. This means [2023-10-19 21:59:54] there is a bug and your results are untrustworthy. [2023-10-19 21:59:54] [2023-10-19 21:59:54] To help resolve this error run in debug mode and send the log file to [2023-10-19 21:59:54] [2023-10-19 21:59:54] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ srun: error: c008: task 0: Exited with exit code 1

I tried to gunzip forest.gz(as suggested here:, but it's not allowed

Any suggestions for this error?

hfl112 commented 8 months ago

I guess it' because of the somatic/germline forest gz files, if I remove those parameter, it works

hfl112 commented 8 months ago

I think there is something wrong with the gz files:

Downloading resources/forests/germline.v0.7.4.forest.gz (374 MB) Error downloading object: resources/forests/germline.v0.7.4.forest.gz (926866d): Smudge error: Error downloading resources/forests/germline.v0.7.4.forest.gz (926866d922430204e527e685559373066801e1b288835480a44b0bc07ae8fe3d): batch response: This repository is over its data quota. Account responsible for LFS bandwidth should purchase more data packs to restore access.


hfl112 commented 8 months ago

I found a google link:;tab=objects?project=parabolic-eon-208710&pli=1&prefix=&forceOnObjectsSortingFiltering=false but still, I am not able to download the files.

Ankita-1211 commented 7 months ago

Hi Any luck with getting the forest files? I see a similar issue with my data. Without forest files it works but I use the forest files it gives me the same error.

hfl112 commented 7 months ago

Hi Any luck with getting the forest files? I see a similar issue with my data. Without forest files it works but I use the forest files it gives me the same error.

not yet…

marade commented 6 months ago

The forest files in the repo are not valid gzip files, and are apparently useless placeholders:

$ git clone Cloning into 'octopus'... remote: Enumerating objects: 48448, done. remote: Counting objects: 100% (3958/3958), done. remote: Compressing objects: 100% (1421/1421), done. remote: Total 48448 (delta 2403), reused 3653 (delta 2196), pack-reused 44490 Receiving objects: 100% (48448/48448), 139.82 MiB | 25.65 MiB/s, done. Resolving deltas: 100% (37584/37584), done. [00:12:05 ~]$ file octopus/resources/forests/germline.v0.7.4.forest.gz octopus/resources/forests/germline.v0.7.4.forest.gz: ASCII text [00:12:18 ~]$ cat octopus/resources/forests/germline.v0.7.4.forest.gz version oid sha256:926866d922430204e527e685559373066801e1b288835480a44b0bc07ae8fe3d size 373801411

jelber2 commented 6 months ago

Please see Still could be a problem because data quota

marade commented 6 months ago

Indeed the data quota error message is what I'm seeing. Is there something wrong with using Zenodo? Or can someone mirror the files somewhere else temporarily?

tzvi909 commented 2 months ago
