I'd love to use your plug in for VHDL. Which users mainly text instead of parentheses. I have tried to configure the plugin to do this but I have noticed that when I have "start=for" inside my parentheses option it doesn't work. Upon futher investigation it seems to be related to the number of characters it is searching for. (setting "start=fo" words, start="for" does not. Which is odd since the "step" and "end" values can be more then 2 characters and it works fine just not "start".
Please try the following setup and file. Note: "if"/"else"/"end if " will work. "for" and "end loop" will not.
variable word_expected_v : unsigned(WORD_W_g-1 downto 0);
if rising_edge(clk_i) then
s_burst_vld <= '0';
s_err_we_data_indiv <= (others => '0');
s_err_op_swithced <= '0';
wr_test_next <= '0';
if m_rdy = '1' then
if m_en_i = '1' then
m_first <= m_last_i;
if m_first = '1' then
s_burst_we <= m_we_i;
s_burst_low <= m_addr_i & to_unsigned(get_lowest_set_bit(m_mask_i), LANE_IDX_W);
s_err_op_swithced <= to_std_logic(s_burst_we /= m_we_i);
end if;
if m_last_i = '1' then
s_burst_vld <= '1';
s_burst_high <= m_addr_i & to_unsigned(get_highest_set_bit(m_mask_i), LANE_IDX_W);
end if;
m_r_vld <= not m_we_i;
for idx in 0 to LANES_g-1 loop
word_expected_v := resize(m_addr_i & to_unsigned(idx, LANE_IDX_W), WORD_W_g);
word_expected_v := word_expected_v + DATA_ADDR_OFFSET_g;
wr_test_next <= '1';
if m_we_i = '1' then
if m_mask_i(idx) = '1' then
if m_data_arr(idx) /= word_expected_v then
s_err_we_data_indiv(idx) <= '1';
-- synthesis translate_off
report "write word got "&hstr(m_data_arr(idx))&" expected "&hstr(word_expected_v)
severity ERROR;
-- synthesis translate_on
end if;
end if;
if m_mask_i(idx) = '1' then
m_r_data_arr(idx) <= word_expected_v;
m_r_data_arr(idx) <= (others => '0');
end if;
end if;
end loop;
end if;
end if;
rd_test_next <= '0';
s_err_w_data <= or_reduce(s_err_we_data_indiv);
if rst_i = '1' then
m_first <= '1';
end if;
end if;
end process;
I'd love to use your plug in for VHDL. Which users mainly text instead of parentheses. I have tried to configure the plugin to do this but I have noticed that when I have "start=for" inside my parentheses option it doesn't work. Upon futher investigation it seems to be related to the number of characters it is searching for. (setting "start=fo" words, start="for" does not. Which is odd since the "step" and "end" values can be more then 2 characters and it works fine just not "start".
Please try the following setup and file. Note: "if"/"else"/"end if " will work. "for" and "end loop" will not.
my vimrc config:
Test.vhd file: