luogu-dev / cyaron

CYaRon: Yet Another Random Olympic-iNformatics test data generator
GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0
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请求添加功能:生成森林 #108

Open xiaohanlin101407 opened 10 months ago

xiaohanlin101407 commented 10 months ago

如题,并未发现 cyaron 有类似功能。下文为一种可能的实现,原理为随机删除树边,同时因 Python del O(n),因此采取了看上去比较丑的写法,但复杂度是 O(n) 的。

    def forest(point_count, chain=0, flower=0, **kwargs):
        """forest(point_count, chain=0, flower=0, **kwargs) -> Graph
               Factory method. Return a forest with point_count vertexes.
               int point_count -> the count of vertexes
               float chain = 0 -> 1 means the forest is a set of chains
               float flower = 0 -> 1 means the forest is a set of flowers
               NOTICE:only either chain or flower can be True
               **kwargs(Keyword args):
                   bool directed = False -> whether the chain is directed(true:directed,false:not directed)
                   (int,int) weight_limit = (1,1) -> the limit of weight. index 0 is the min limit, and index 1 is the max limit(both included)
                   int weight_limit -> If you use a int for this arg, it means the max limit of the weight(included)
                   int/float weight_gen() 
                   = lambda: random.randint(weight_limit[0], weight_limit[1]) 
                   -> the generator of the weights. It should return the weight. The default way is to use the random.randint()
                   tree_count: the count of tree in the forest generated.
        trees = kwargs.get("tree_count", random.randrange(1, int(point_count ** 0.6)))
        graph = Graph.tree(point_count, chain, flower, directed = True, **kwargs)
        graph.directed = kwargs.get("directed", False)

        edges = []
        for i in graph.edges:
        for i in range(point_count + 1):
            graph.edges[i] = []

        deletes = random.choices([i for i in range(len(edges))], k = trees - 1)
        chkdel = [True for i in range(len(edges))]
        for i in deletes:
            chkdel[i]  = False

        for i, j in enumerate(edges):
            if chkdel[i]:
                graph.add_edge(j.start, j.end, weight = j.weight)

        return graph
Thaumic-Executor commented 8 months ago
