step: Compare taxonomy from the guide to taxonomy in taxon database and Syke taxonomy (the Society does this)
27.6.2024 Data available in P:\h978\ict_team\Kasviplankton
Still needs to be done some cleaning & combining data. Relevant files levatekstit_ELL & MX_koodit_levaIDt_ELL.xlsx
13.6.2024 Eppu checks the list that was delivered by the phytoplankton society, and after that Tea asks Tapani if he can import the list to taxon database master checklist.
6.6.2024 Next meeting 18 Sept.
Harmonizing taxonomy between the FinBIF, Syke and the Phytoplankton Guide
Phytoplankton Guide's species descriptions to the FinBIF database
Agreement between the Phytoplankton Society and the Finnish Museum of Natural History
Before the meeting: We should get the taxon list soon from yhe Phytoplankton Society. Tapani has promised to help with the taxonomy.
30.5.2024 Next meeting in June.
This we discussed about in the last meeting with the phytoplankton society. I don't think there is an easy solution: we can have different checklists in our taxondb, but only taxa in the master checklist can be used to link observations etc.
On the other hand, Tapani has been linking the old Retkeilykasvio-lists to the master checklist (See:
If they could agree that either one the lists is superior and the master list will follow it and the other one is linked to that one. However, I don't know how the linking is actually done.
Phytoplankton Society wants to transfer content from old Kasviplanktonopas ( "") to
step: Compare taxonomy from the guide to taxonomy in taxon database and Syke taxonomy (the Society does this)
27.6.2024 Data available in P:\h978\ict_team\Kasviplankton Still needs to be done some cleaning & combining data. Relevant files levatekstit_ELL & MX_koodit_levaIDt_ELL.xlsx
13.6.2024 Eppu checks the list that was delivered by the phytoplankton society, and after that Tea asks Tapani if he can import the list to taxon database master checklist.
6.6.2024 Next meeting 18 Sept. Agenda:
Before the meeting: We should get the taxon list soon from yhe Phytoplankton Society. Tapani has promised to help with the taxonomy.
30.5.2024 Next meeting in June.
This we discussed about in the last meeting with the phytoplankton society. I don't think there is an easy solution: we can have different checklists in our taxondb, but only taxa in the master checklist can be used to link observations etc.
On the other hand, Tapani has been linking the old Retkeilykasvio-lists to the master checklist (See: If they could agree that either one the lists is superior and the master list will follow it and the other one is linked to that one. However, I don't know how the linking is actually done.