As a researcher, I want to analyze large amounts of data, so that i can do research on it. Output in BirdNET compatible format (and mayble bat system compatible format).
As a citizen, I want to identify birds I have recorded, so that I know the species. Using either desktop or mobile-friendly web app. No native mobile app needed, since JYU already has made this.
As FinBIF manager, I want to have reliable observation data from Finland to FinBIF, so that we have more valuable data.
As a researcher, I want to analyze large amounts of data, so that i can do research on it. Output in BirdNET compatible format (and mayble bat system compatible format).
As a citizen, I want to identify birds I have recorded, so that I know the species. Using either desktop or mobile-friendly web app. No native mobile app needed, since JYU already has made this.
As FinBIF manager, I want to have reliable observation data from Finland to FinBIF, so that we have more valuable data.
We would like to have two apps: