java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: No static method com_fosafer_lib_Fosafer$$Lambda$1_lambda$getOkHttpClient$0(Ljava/lang/String;Ljavax/net/ssl/SSLSession;)Z in class Lcom/fosafer/lib/Fosafer; or its super classes (declaration of 'com.fosafer.lib.Fosafer' appears in /data/app/com.fosafer.attendance.test-1/base.apk)
May be the version of the problem, I started with the latest version 3.5.0. In exchange for the previous 3.2.0, the problem is solved.
java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: No static method com_fosafer_lib_Fosafer$$Lambda$1_lambda$getOkHttpClient$0(Ljava/lang/String;Ljavax/net/ssl/SSLSession;)Z in class Lcom/fosafer/lib/Fosafer; or its super classes (declaration of 'com.fosafer.lib.Fosafer' appears in /data/app/com.fosafer.attendance.test-1/base.apk)
May be the version of the problem, I started with the latest version 3.5.0. In exchange for the previous 3.2.0, the problem is solved.