luoyunan / DTINet

A Network Integration Approach for Drug-Target Interaction Prediction
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Problems about "diffusionRWR.m" #15

Open BertonYang18 opened 3 years ago

BertonYang18 commented 3 years ago

Professor Luo: When I run "run_DCA.m", the Elements in variables "drugNets" should be changed from "Sim_mat_drug_drug" to "mat_drug_drug". Then, when going to "diffusionRWR.m", now the "A" represent "mat_drug_disease.m". It's a matrix of 7085603. But in "A = A + diag(sum(A) == 0);", the "diag(sum(A) == 0)" is a matrix of "56035603". As we all know, a matrix of 7085603 can't be added to a matrix of "56035603". Thus, in "Q_new = (1 - restartProb) P Q + restartProb restart;", the "P " is a matrix of 7085603 while the "Q" is a matrix of 708*708. They can't multiply. Hope for your answer.
