lupidan / PopoverView

A Popover Controller for Android Tablets. It's an easy solution to simulate an iOS UIPopoverController
GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0
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change frame popoverView #5

Closed mustafaerturk closed 10 years ago

mustafaerturk commented 10 years ago

is that possible change the frame of popoverView ?

lupidan commented 10 years ago

You can set the popover size to stretch or to a certain size:

For example, to put the size 320x340 points:

popoverView.setContentSizeForViewInPopover(new Point(320, 340));
popoverView.showPopoverFromRectInViewGroup(rootView, PopoverView.getFrameForView(v), PopoverView.PopoverArrowDirectionAny, true);
mustafaerturk commented 10 years ago

Sorry , I ask wrong question .I need to change the border of popOver. You can see the iPad version on the below.

I have to make this aramasonuc

but ı got this screenshot_2013-10-08-21-42-52

How can i make something like this.

lupidan commented 10 years ago

You just need to correctly edit the black borders in your 9 patch image for the box. The left and top border describe what area is resized. The right and bottom borders describe where the content is placed. Please take a reading to this article explaining how the 9patch images work in Android.