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Cannot debug in vscode: Configured debug type 'gdb' is not supported #5

Closed lstolcman closed 3 years ago

lstolcman commented 3 years ago


I'm trying to set up debugging rust in vscode. I'm following your tutorial, everything works good until the Click Run → Start Debugging step - throws error Configured debug type 'gdb' is not supported: ( obraz

It says, to set up gdb debugging, an extension is needed - could you show your vscode extension list?

I have such extensions installed: obraz

Or it may be not an extension issue... Any help is appreciated.

Version of vscode: 1.52.1 System: Windows 10


lupyuen commented 3 years ago

Hi: Thanks for submitting the issue. I have moved the issue for easier tracking:

Please gimme some time to check on this. Thanks! :-)

thanksmia commented 2 years ago

how about fixing it providing a correct .json file

thanksmia commented 2 years ago

for me the solution was switching over to vscodium removing vscode including the .extensions in C:\Users\mia.vscode\extensions then get open source version of vscode called vscodium, get the c++ intellisense debugger tools etc... adding this to get the vscode shop to codium

Creat a product.json file and put it in ...

Windows: %APPDATA%\VSCodium or %USERPROFILE%\AppData\Roaming\VSCodium macOS: ~/Library/Application Support/VSCodium Linux: $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/VSCodium or ~/.config/VSCodium with the content:

{ "extensionsGallery": { "serviceUrl": "", "cacheUrl": "", "itemUrl": "", "controlUrl": "", "recommendationsUrl": "" } }

thanksmia commented 2 years ago

Don't also forgett to get the regular "visual studio" , win and search for "enviroment" add C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2019\Community\VC\Tools\MSVC\14.29.30133\bin\Hostx64\x64

to Path like for your compilers too.