In both instances, flipping the final bit returns the reverse direction.
This presents two issues: 1) it is not obvious which direction a URL is for from looking at the URL.
2) Due to the inconsistencies in the CapMetro direction API, it is almost misleading; a reasonable person could believe that the direction bit is independent of the route.
Instead, instabus could use its own, meaningful identifiers for route direction. For example:
Presently, URLs for routes expose Capital Metro identifiers for route direction. Unfortunately, these identifiers are inconsistent. For example: is SB is NB
In both instances, flipping the final bit returns the reverse direction.
This presents two issues: 1) it is not obvious which direction a URL is for from looking at the URL. 2) Due to the inconsistencies in the CapMetro direction API, it is almost misleading; a reasonable person could believe that the direction bit is independent of the route.
Instead, instabus could use its own, meaningful identifiers for route direction. For example: for NB for SB