lurado / MovieDict

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Better logic for Chinese variants #9

Closed jlnr closed 8 years ago

jlnr commented 8 years ago

When a movie has translations for the PRC, Hong Kong and Taiwan, the "Chinese" title should be dropped.


jlnr commented 8 years ago

Also, what's going on here?


jlnr commented 8 years ago

Also, when there is a title for Hong Kong and one for Taiwan, the "Chinese" or "China" title should never use Traditional Chinese - doesn't make any sense and makes it impossible to find movies by typing Simplified

jlnr commented 8 years ago

Maybe best to leave it as it is - see for example this movie:

It has four different titles for ZH (Chinese page title) and HK/TW/CN because it has a separate Chinese name in Malaysia/Singapore. It would be an error to delete any of the four titles.