lure23 / ESP32-Mac

ESP32 development on a Mac, with Multipass for sandboxing the toolchain
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ESP32-C3-DevKitC-02 not accessible by `espflash` (nor `probe-rs`) #2

Closed lure23 closed 1 month ago

lure23 commented 1 month ago

I am not able to do espflash board-info on the USB/IP -bridged C3 dev board.

For ESP32-C6-DevKitM-01 this works, so something C3 specific is at fault.


The page Configure ESP32-C6 Built-in JTAG Interface - though title being about C6 - says this about C3 boards:


I don't get LIBUSB_ERROR_NOT_FOUND (as far as I know), but thought to try such an install.

It fails with:

Exit code: 0x2a

I have the "CP210x universal Windows driver (11.3.0)" installed on said PC.


Noticed that espflash board-info doesn't "have access":


lure23 commented 1 month ago

Note: The Embedded Rust (no_std) on Espressif says:

Furthermore, for ESP32-C3, a nightly version of the Rust toolchain is currently required, for this training we will use nightly-2023-11-14 version.

I don't... think this necessarily is accurate any more (Jun'24). Is it?

Needing to track nightly would tilt this project just over the threshold I'm able to cope with.. So I'm restricting it to "stable Rust".

lure23 commented 1 month ago

Solved. Was likely just that adding the user to dialout group needed a new login. bygones