lurume84 / bling-desktop

Desktop for Blink Home Security Camera
MIT License
89 stars 20 forks source link

Bling Desktop 0.1.21 - Viewer 0.1.20 - 2FA Issues & Video Downloads #41

Closed shoey79 closed 4 years ago

shoey79 commented 4 years ago


Thanks again for this application, its been very useful.

Since the latest update, I've started having issues again.

2FA no longer works, during login I normally am sent an email with the code, this no longer happens. What is odd is that if I terminate the program and close it down, then re-open it, I can see the cameras without this code.

The other problem is that video downloads have stopped again. I fully deleted the install folder and My documents folder and downloaded the latest version here (which is from May), then installed it.

After install, I get prompted to upgrade to 0.1.21 however this again fails saying its not a valid application (seen in the closed issues as well). I then close the processes and restart it, the version then shows as Desktop 0.1.21 and Viewer as 0.1.20.

Again during login the 2FA can be bypassed and no email is ever sent.

I have re-added the INI file but nothing has downloaded since last week.

Log files don't seem to indicate much: [2020-07-14 09:39:05.489] [BlingLog] [info] Video synchronization every 60 seconds in Z:\Tech-Files\CCTV\Videos\ [2020-07-14 09:39:05.493] [BlingLog] [info] Thumbnail synchronization every 7200 seconds in Z:\Tech-Files\CCTV\Thumbs\ [2020-07-14 09:39:05.494] [BlingLog] [info] Listening LiveViewServer at [2020-07-14 09:39:05.494] [BlingLog] [info] Listening FileServer at [2020-07-14 09:39:05.511] [BlingLog] [info] Browser instance created [2020-07-14 09:39:05.512] [BlingLog] [info] Viewer Upgrades from to C:\Users\shoey79\Documents\Bling.exe\Download\Versions\Viewer\ [2020-07-14 09:39:05.513] [BlingLog] [info] Desktop Upgrades from to C:\Users\shoey79\Documents\Bling.exe\Download\Versions\Desktop\ [2020-07-14 09:39:06.527] [BlingLog] [info] HTTP GET 200 FileServer \index.html [2020-07-14 09:39:06.537] [BlingLog] [info] HTTP GET 200 FileServer \lib\mdl\material.min.css [2020-07-14 09:39:06.547] [BlingLog] [info] HTTP GET 200 FileServer \lib\fontawesome\css\all.min.css [2020-07-14 09:39:06.548] [BlingLog] [info] HTTP GET 200 FileServer \css\style.css [2020-07-14 09:39:06.550] [BlingLog] [info] HTTP GET 200 FileServer \lib\jquery\jquery.min.js [2020-07-14 09:39:06.551] [BlingLog] [info] HTTP GET 200 FileServer \lib\mdl\material.min.js [2020-07-14 09:39:06.551] [BlingLog] [info] HTTP GET 200 FileServer \lib\moment.min.js [2020-07-14 09:39:06.555] [BlingLog] [info] HTTP GET 200 FileServer \js\Context.js [2020-07-14 09:39:06.555] [BlingLog] [info] HTTP GET 200 FileServer \js\helpers\Utils.js [2020-07-14 09:39:06.556] [BlingLog] [info] HTTP GET 200 FileServer \lib\hls.js [2020-07-14 09:39:06.558] [BlingLog] [info] HTTP GET 200 FileServer \js\helpers\BaseDecisionListener.js [2020-07-14 09:39:06.558] [BlingLog] [info] HTTP GET 200 FileServer \js\network\NetworkView.js [2020-07-14 09:39:06.561] [BlingLog] [info] HTTP GET 200 FileServer \js\network\NetworkInteractor.js [2020-07-14 09:39:06.561] [BlingLog] [info] HTTP GET 200 FileServer \js\network\NetworkPresenter.js [2020-07-14 09:39:06.561] [BlingLog] [info] HTTP GET 200 FileServer \js\camera\CameraView.js [2020-07-14 09:39:06.562] [BlingLog] [info] HTTP GET 200 FileServer \css\fonts.css [2020-07-14 09:39:06.563] [BlingLog] [info] HTTP GET 200 FileServer \css\dashboard.css [2020-07-14 09:39:06.563] [BlingLog] [info] HTTP GET 200 FileServer \css\drawer.css [2020-07-14 09:39:06.567] [BlingLog] [info] HTTP GET 200 FileServer \js\camera\CameraPresenter.js [2020-07-14 09:39:06.567] [BlingLog] [info] HTTP GET 200 FileServer \js\activity\ActivityView.js [2020-07-14 09:39:06.567] [BlingLog] [info] HTTP GET 200 FileServer \js\activity\ActivityPresenter.js [2020-07-14 09:39:06.570] [BlingLog] [info] HTTP GET 200 FileServer \js\login\LoginInteractor.js [2020-07-14 09:39:06.571] [BlingLog] [info] HTTP GET 200 FileServer \js\login\LoginPresenter.js [2020-07-14 09:39:06.572] [BlingLog] [info] HTTP GET 200 FileServer \img\logo_white.png [2020-07-14 09:39:07.009] [BlingLog] [info] HTTP GET 200 [2020-07-14 09:39:10.729] [BlingLog] [info] HTTP GET 200 [2020-07-14 09:39:11.572] [BlingLog] [info] HTTP GET 200 FileServer \js\camera\CameraInteractor.js [2020-07-14 09:39:11.588] [BlingLog] [info] HTTP GET 200 FileServer \js\login\LoginView.js [2020-07-14 09:39:11.588] [BlingLog] [info] HTTP GET 200 FileServer \js\activity\ActivityInteractor.js [2020-07-14 09:39:11.601] [BlingLog] [info] HTTP GET 200 FileServer \lib\fontawesome\webfonts\fa-solid-900.woff2 [2020-07-14 09:39:11.662] [BlingLog] [info] HTTP GET 200 FileServer \data\token.json [2020-07-14 09:39:11.663] [BlingLog] [info] HTTP GET 200 FileServer version [2020-07-14 09:39:11.685] [BlingLog] [info] HTTP GET 404 FileServer \favicon.ico

So whilst I can currently view, I cannot download or use 2FA properly.


JohnTombs commented 4 years ago

Re 2FA: If I have passed 2FA once I can restart Bling Desktop without needing to do it again until some time has elapsed. Maybe not a bug.

Re Video Downloads: Used to work, now they don't - all on It's possible the trouble began after I updated to Windows 10 2004 but I can't confirm this. I did note the following in the Windows Application log: "The program or feature "\??\C:\Users\John\Documents\Bling.exe\Download\Versions\Desktop\0.1.21.exe" cannot start or run due to incompatibity with 64-bit versions of Windows. Please contact the software vendor to ask if a 64-bit Windows compatible version is available." If I try to launch the file manually, it fails with similar error warnings.

shoey79 commented 4 years ago

Re 2FA: If I have passed 2FA once I can restart Bling Desktop without needing to do it again until some time has elapsed. Maybe not a bug.

Re Video Downloads: Used to work, now they don't - all on It's possible the trouble began after I updated to Windows 10 2004 but I can't confirm this. I did note the following in the Windows Application log: "The program or feature "??\C:\Users\John\Documents\Bling.exe\Download\Versions\Desktop\0.1.21.exe" cannot start or run due to incompatibity with 64-bit versions of Windows. Please contact the software vendor to ask if a 64-bit Windows compatible version is available." If I try to launch the file manually, it fails with similar error warnings.

Hi John,

I am aware that is possible, once logged in the authentication token is valid for 24h and during that time you can close and re-open as many times. One of the problems I have is that I don't even need to enter a 2FA code, it will prompt for one, but if I terminate the application and re-open, I gain access to the cameras without ever needing to enter this.