lusakasa / saka-key

A keyboard interface to the web
MIT License
861 stars 70 forks source link

Chrome Store Extension Not Found #331

Open ahmed-alamer opened 3 years ago

ahmed-alamer commented 3 years ago

I tried to install the extension to chrome earlier today (July 12, 2021), but I couldn't find in the webstore, and the google earch link goes to a non-existent page

Broken link

Chrome Web Store Search Screenshot


Thanks in advance.

Nashadelic commented 3 years ago

Same here, has the extension been removed? I was unable to load it on a new system

MarkelCA commented 3 years ago

Same here :( Chrome version: Version 92.0.4515.107 (Official Build) (64-bit) OS: Linux Mint 20.1 I don't think the OS matters but I add it just in case

toniperic commented 3 years ago

For what it's worth, it looks like it violates Google's Web Store policy.

Screenshot 2021-07-28 at 11 26 35

The extension was disabled for me automatically, but if I enable it manually it still works.

Curious what the problem is.

athelas64 commented 3 years ago

Today disabled on Microsoft Edge with the note that it is disabled because of malware. Impossible to force-enable it back. Extension got probably flagged because it "listens" to keystrokes in order to make it work? Well, too bad, Lazyfox is the last resort now. Goodbye Chrome, Goodbye Edge :-)

ceuk commented 3 years ago

Can anyone confirm it definitely hasn't been compromised etc? I'm paranoid after recent events with the great suspender etc

aminedj commented 3 years ago

Would anyone know how can you re-enable the extension on Edge? It seems like once it got blocked, you cannot reactive it unlike in other chromium browsers.

vertexportus commented 3 years ago

I wonder what happened that it started getting flagged in all those stores

also, i tried forcing enable it on Vivaldi - but the extension doesnt work properly anymore

Nashadelic commented 3 years ago

Just shows how bad the removal process is. Google has also removed the extension from my browser, without any notice, or even a message in-browser. Its as if this addon never existed. I don't mind removal of something malicious but jeez, tell us if this was compromised and if we need to do anything

In the meanwhile, I've found Vimuim extension to be a great, close fit with a large install base

StarkBrothers commented 3 years ago

Would anyone know how can you re-enable the extension on Edge? It seems like once it got blocked, you cannot reactive it unlike in other chromium browsers.



ajkessel commented 3 years ago

Is there any way to see what triggered the removal? Any reason to think this extension is actually a risk?

ahmed-alamer commented 3 years ago

The Extension was removed from Chrome and Edge, I found an alternative, it's called Vimum, it works on edge of course.

This is my current configuration which is inspired by the default Saka Key configuration, it's really easier to customize, and I found it more effective with hidden/visible html elements and overlays.

map d scrollDown
map s scrollUp
map D scrollPageDown
map S scrollPageUp
map fb LinkHints.activateModeToOpenInNewTab
map ff LinkHints.activateMode
map [ previousTab
map ] nextTab
map xx removeTab
map cc goBack
map vv goForward

I did unmapAll optionally, because I was annoyed by the behavior of default keys

Hope this helps until Saka Key is -- ever -- back

athelas64 commented 3 years ago

Thanks @ahmed-alamer , this is a great idea to Saka-fie the Vimium :-) I wrote email to on of the developers, if I ever get response, I will let you know.

For the advanced users - Saka Key can still be packed and installed manually in the developer mode, have anybody tried it?

athelas64 commented 3 years ago

I have added j and k, which I use more often for some reason :-)

map d scrollDown
map s scrollUp
map j scrollDown
map k scrollUp
map D scrollPageDown
map S scrollPageUp
map fb LinkHints.activateModeToOpenInNewTab
map ff LinkHints.activateMode
map [ previousTab
map ] nextTab
map xx removeTab
map cc goBack
map vv goForward
npowdev commented 3 years ago

Thanks @ahmed-alamer @athelas64 too for the tips.

Well, I did a bit tests of a Sake-fied config of Vimium on Chrome. It's ok for the new or advanced users, but some functions of Saka Key aren't there.

It's possible to re-enable the installed Saka Key extension on my Chrome browser (no dev mode). Then it works for some time, but later, maybe on the next update check, it get automaticaly disabled and I have to enable it again.

ahmed-alamer commented 3 years ago

Thanks @ahmed-alamer @athelas64 too for the tips.

Well, I did a bit tests of a Sake-fied config of Vimium on Chrome. It's ok for the new or advanced users, but some functions of Saka Key aren't there.

  • No way to open a link in a new window.
  • No way to just get the focus on a link w/o activating it. As for example only to see the URL behind.

It's possible to re-enable the installed Saka Key extension on my Chrome browser (no dev mode). Then it works for some time, but later, maybe on the next update check, it get automaticaly disabled and I have to enable it again.

I don't think opening a link in a new window is supported, there is a guide on the options page if you click on show available commands

npowdev commented 3 years ago

Thanks @ahmed-alamer @athelas64 too for the tips. Well, I did a bit tests of a Sake-fied config of Vimium on Chrome. It's ok for the new or advanced users, but some functions of Saka Key aren't there.

  • No way to open a link in a new window.
  • No way to just get the focus on a link w/o activating it. As for example only to see the URL behind.

It's possible to re-enable the installed Saka Key extension on my Chrome browser (no dev mode). Then it works for some time, but later, maybe on the next update check, it get automaticaly disabled and I have to enable it again.

I don't think opening a link in a new window is supported, there is a guide on the options page if you click on show available commands

In Saka Key there is Link Hint to open in new widow with "fn", but not such command in Vimium. As a workaround in Vimium is the command 'moveTabToNewWindow'. However a link hint command to focus a link isn't existend in Vimium.

vertexportus commented 3 years ago

so this is basically dead for chrome?

adamryman commented 3 years ago

@pureooze Any change we could get your help here? I see you are the most active member of the org lusakasa.

pureooze commented 3 years ago

@adamryman I believe the issue is with the permissions that saka key is using. Seems google doesn't like the usage of the tabs permission. I have no experience with the saka key codebase so I am not sure if its needed or can be easily removed (I only maintained saka). If someone wants to take on that work I can help push it through to the respective stores.

ceuk commented 3 years ago


let me know if that does the trick 🤞

adamryman commented 3 years ago

I am testing/reviewing the PR written by @ceuk. Let's get back in the chrome store.

marcoep commented 2 years ago

Hello @adamryman. Just writing to inquire weather there has been any progress towards getting saka key back into the chrome store in the last two months :) I am dearly missing your fantastic browser addon!

adamryman commented 2 years ago

Hi @marcoep, nothing has happened in the last month. It seems the maintainers have become busy, which is very understandable these days.

I mentioned them directly in PR #334 a little bit ago, perhaps we will hear back.

If we don't hear back in the next month or so, perhaps we can create a community fork of this repo. Then we could submit it to the chrome web store under a different name. The LICENCE of saka-key is MIT, so no worries there.

Though I hope that our friendly maintainers are able to get back to us soon. Then we would not need to fork this repo to get a saka-key based extension back in the chrome store.

plomari commented 2 years ago

This extension is obviously unmaintained. Does anyone know good alternatives, which lets you navigate the web via keyboard? The best capability of saka-key is, in my opinion, that you can quickly "click" links with they keyboard.

ajkessel commented 2 years ago

I'm using Vimium with these custom mappings:

unmapAll map d scrollDown map s scrollUp map D scrollPageDown map S scrollPageUp map fb LinkHints.activateModeToOpenInNewTab map ff LinkHints.activateMode map [ previousTab map ] nextTab map xx removeTab map cc goBack map vv goForward

brandonkal commented 2 years ago

I don't have a whole lot of time available to maintain this but I am willing to create a community fork with others.

I've noticed my in-browser ad blocker (Vivalidi) has broken Saka key so maybe something fishy is going on with the published extension but I haven't investigated that fully.