lusccc / SpringFloatingActionMenu

Apache License 2.0
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Your library clashed with Material Drawer, BIG PROBLEM. #5

Open raymondSeger opened 8 years ago

raymondSeger commented 8 years ago

Your library clashed with Material Drawer, BIG PROBLEM.

To make it simple, there's 2 big problem

  1. If i set your library before MaterialDrawer, your library FAB button doesn't do anything.
  2. If i set Material Drawer then your library, everything works, but your buttons are the one that gets clicked instead of the items in the MaterialDrawer items, it seems your "z-index" items are higher than the items in the materialDrawer.

Great library though, but i can't use it because MaterialDrawer is very important for my project.

raymondSeger commented 8 years ago

and oh, if i press your button fast enough in Lolipop Samsung Note 5, some of the items stayed instead of disappearing. Seems there's a bug in the animation that makes some of the items stay visible instead of "gone"

lusccc commented 8 years ago

Thanks for your advice, I will fix it in the next few days.

raymondSeger commented 8 years ago

Nice. Please do this issue first, haha :+1:

Because i really wanted to use it