luser-dr00g / xpost

A PostScript interpreter in C
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use the same random filename sequence in lmem* gmem* and xdump* #35

Open luser-dr00g opened 8 years ago

luser-dr00g commented 8 years ago

If we need someone to include these files to debug their issue, it would be convenient if the related trio of files had related names.

luser-dr00g commented 2 years ago

It would also be convenient to have an option to delete these automatically when exiting. Perhaps this should also be the default behavior.

It would make an extra step to get these files for debugging if a user has a strange bug, but OTOH I never did write the tool to help debug these.

luser-dr00g commented 2 years ago

To actually perform this, we need to replace calls to mkstemp() and separate its two behaviors into different functions. One function to just generate the unique sequence for the XXXXXX portion of the template. Then we can generate it once and concatenate the various prefixes gmem, lmem, xdump.

Maybe there should be 2 separate options: preserve log dump, preserve memory files.