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Fotla Attacks Up Close? Tyrfing the Invisible Bow? #248

Open bobosmith01 opened 4 years ago

bobosmith01 commented 4 years ago

For some reason, Fotla, in her DracoKnight chapter appearance, attacked Seliph up close, despite being the owner of only an Iron Bow, on enemy phase. This resulted in her not even attacking at all-just Seliph proceeding to immediately own her (He did not have Vantage).

I wonder if she attacked an 2-2 range unit, would the game have hung?

My only guess is that this issue has something to do with the Triangle attack script? (I already killed one of her sisters the same turn, though, earlier).

In another event, Faval somehow fired his Tyrfing when I attacked him on player phase. The screen went black, as if he fired a ballista, after Nanna attacked, and then she kersplatted from nothing. He did the bow drawback (no sound effect except the actual release and eventual connection (and death that followed), too, but when he would've released, that's when it went black, then cut to Nanna.

His Tyrfing was the first thing in his inventory, though he had a Steel Bow equipped. He was a Hunter, and had Nihil, if that matters. If it really is just the whole "enemy doesn't check for weapons before using them", I'm not sure what you can do in this case, because, well, he sure needs his legendary weapon.

I'll upload pictures and videos as soon as I can!

bobosmith01 commented 4 years ago

Fotla's Suicide and the bow, just in case. I HAVE NO IDEA

Faval's Tyrfing Shootage and his inventory. faval issue

lushen124 commented 4 years ago

Thanks for the report.

Fotla suicide

I'd imagine she must have some special AI for determining how to attack. It may be built into her from, as you said, the triangle attack script, but I've never dug into the AI scripts to know for sure. It really does sound like the script forced her to attack at melee range, which she obviously can't attack from with a bow. If there were other characters that did this, then there might be something else we don't know, but I would chalk this up to Triangle Attack script not being very flexible.


Enemies have also been known to counter with weapons they can't use, so it's possible this is the same issue, but for 1-1 range instead of the usual 1-2 range. For example, the previous report I had was a Hilda that accidentally was left with a spare Bolganone after being changed to a non-magic class with a Silver Blade, and she managed to counter with the Bolganone when attacked at 2 range. In your case, since the Steel Bow is 2-2 range, it tries to use the next weapon that can counter at 1 range, which happened to be Tyrfing, even if he can't use Tyrfing.

Not sure what we can do for this one, since this is one of the things that we try to address with the other options for children (ones that at least somewhat tie them to their parents).