lushen124 / Universal-FE-Randomizer

Properly universal this time.
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[FE7] Randomized Recruitment Minor Inconsistency #329

Open Felixr22 opened 3 years ago

Felixr22 commented 3 years ago

So I just tried my hand at FE7 randomized recruitment, and I very much appreciate how the portraits and names of all the characters are also fully replaced. Except that I just ran into one case where that doesn't hold up. In chapter 8 (Lyn mode, obviously), on the battle prep screen, Matthew comes up and notifies you that he'll be gone for that chapter. My Matthew randomized into Sain, but for that specific part, Matthew's own portrait showed up, rather than Sain's.

I don't know enough about romhacking to suggest a fix for this, but I figured I could at least report it.

lushen124 commented 3 years ago

Ah, I'm guessing this scene uses a different way to show dialogue than leaving the control codes in the text. I'll have to take a look into it. Relatively minor issue, but still something to get fixed.

lushen124 commented 3 years ago

Just to update this, I bumped this to later because it's surprisingly not immediately clear when this script gets triggered. I thought it would be in the normal events, but the preparation events seem to be set in a different place. It would take a bit more research on how to change this.