Open drugfreechu opened 2 years ago
Good to know. Going down the list:
For Ike promoting before C18: I just 0 out the UnitClassChange (around 0x87E in C18's script file). This hasn't caused any issues as janky as it might seem. I don't do this for Volke's class change, but I have never had any issues with him promoting when he's already promoted. Although for this one, I can't really remember if I just habitually say "don't hire" so he doesn't get promoted. Regardless, 0'ing out C19's UnitClassChange would remove this possibility anyway. (As a side note related to this: Even if you remove all instances of EVENTCC, Archer Ike still can't promote normally. I have no idea why considering other archers can promote just fine, and Ike can promote freely as any other class. I really tried to figure out why this happens but idk, I think this is important info if you do remove Ike/Volke's non-promote skills though)
For unrestricting Boyd/Oscar/Rhys in the early chapters: Yes that's what I mean, letting them be deployed in those chapters. My personal solution to this is simply to remove their PID's from the script files for the chapters they're restricted in, but I'm pretty sure that makes their dialogue get skipped over or something. I haven't noticed any more significant side effects from just doing this, although I haven't done nearly as many runs applying this.
For the stat bands: I personally liked when they weren't guaranteed like in vanilla. Consistency in inventories just takes away from the randomizer experience slightly, I think. But I understand other people do like having them in the same place every run, so making it an option might be cool.
For fliers starting locations: Yeah, none of the upgraded units cause any real issues when made into non-fliers. The only slightly bad thing is that Janaff/Ulki/Reyson stay out of the map when they are green units in C17-4, if they can't fly over the trees. They get recruited afterwards anyway though, just won't come to help in that chapter if they can't fly. While not necessarily needed, I'm sure that could be fixed with simple spawn coordinate changes. I haven't touched Tibarn or Naesala, so I'm not sure if they would cause any issues.
I just have Jill spawn on the boat itself (I put the coordinates to 16/12 - 16/12, not really optimized, I just wanted her to be on the boat) which is a bit weird since she sort of materializes onto your team, but it's worth it to allow her some class variety imo.
WRT Thieves, their fourth class skill, "SID_EVENTCC", does indeed prevent natural promotion. Delete that and they can promote like anybody else.
Relatedly, the Black Knight's and Ashnard's blessed armor is controlled by a skill - "SID_WEAK_A" - on their classes, which is the second class skill of BK!General and the fifth class skill for King Daein. The current solution of letting A/S-ranked weapons pierce the blessing works well enough in practice, but for the sake of simplicity it may be worthwhile to remove the blessing skill instead. I have a fork of this repo which implements this change (and also adds support for modifying the fourth and fifth class skills).
Hi, I have played about a dozen full runs and many more unfinished runs of randomized FE9, here are bugs I've come across and maybe some suggestions/notes I've thought of along the way.