lutraconsulting / MDAL

Mesh Data Abstraction Library
MIT License
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Support write format to ADF (Arcinfo TIN layer) #174

Open saberraz opened 4 years ago

saberraz commented 4 years ago

This will be very handy, as it we can potentially use the format as an (additional/intermediate) output option, instead of GDAL format.

An example which comes to mind, is TIN generation algorithms in the Processing Toolbox.

vcloarec commented 4 years ago

why not use UGRID format ?

saberraz commented 4 years ago

That will work too. Mainly because ADF can be opened it ESRI products. But I suppose netcdf has a wider userbase.

vcloarec commented 4 years ago

TIN ESRI format is easy to read, but I think it can be problematic to write. The are many fields in the files that are not used by MDAL and not convenient to fill. More over, we don't know the meaning of some fields. If we can surely write files that can be read with MDAL, not sure ESRI products can read its.

vcloarec commented 4 years ago

UGRID is very convenient to write in as we can write as many information we need.