Open tomasMizera opened 4 years ago
Note: you can use one of the demo projects
You can use project _input-testing/tc02digitizing for all tests in this TC
Test Steps
A1. Make sure you are not logged into Mergin
A2. Click on three dots next to Start here! project and select Upload to Mergin
A3. You should move to Mergin log in page.
A4. Try to log in
A5. Project upload should proceed once logged in (doesn't work. input#1337)
B1. Click on three dots next to project to open projects menu and click on Local changes
B2. Toast (popup) should inform about no recent changes to project
B3. Open selected project
B4. Hit record and record any features
B5. Save feature, go back to home page by clicking on Projects
B6. Repeat step B1 (open Local changes )
B7. Page like this should be visible depending on what changes you have done
B8. Navigate to My Projects
B9. You should see arrows icon next to selected project indicating changes are to be synchronized with server
B10. Click on arrows to synchronize
B11. Project should be uploaded to server and arrows icon should disappear
B12. Repeat B1 resulting into B2.
C1. Open editable project in QGIS or in another device running Input
C2. Add or Edit a feature
C3. Upload changes to Mergin server
C4. On testing device navigate to My Projects and check if there are arrows next to project name ( represents changes to be downloaded/uploaded )
C5. Download changes by clicking on arrows
C6. Open project from Home page and visually check if changes are visible
This test can be done only when project has geopackage layers ( see prerequirements )
D1. Open project with editable layer and add two features
D2. Open project in other device running Input or QGIS and also add two features
D3. Sync changes from QGIS/other device to Mergin server
D4. On testing device navigate to My Projects and click arrows to sync project
D5. Project should sync without failure
D6. Open project from Home page and visually check if changes from other device are on a map together with your changes
You can use project _input-testing/tc02digitizing for all tests in this TC
Test A - Upload a new project to Mergin
Test Steps
A1. Make sure you are not logged into Mergin
A2. Click on three dots next to Start here! project and select Upload to Mergin
A3. You should move to Mergin log in page.
A4. Try to log in
A5. Project upload should proceed once logged in (doesn't work. input#1337)
Test B - Project Status w/ Upload
Test Steps
B1. Click on three dots next to project to open projects menu and click on Local changes
B2. Toast (popup) should inform about no recent changes to project
B3. Open selected project
B4. Hit record and record any features
B5. Save feature, go back to home page by clicking on Projects
B6. Repeat step B1 (open Local changes )
B7. Page like this should be visible depending on what changes you have done
B8. Navigate to My Projects
B9. You should see arrows icon next to selected project indicating changes are to be synchronized with server
B10. Click on arrows to synchronize
B11. Project should be uploaded to server and arrows icon should disappear
B12. Repeat B1 resulting into B2.
Test C - Sync Upstream Changes
Test Steps
C1. Open editable project in QGIS or in another device running Input
C2. Add or Edit a feature
C3. Upload changes to Mergin server
C4. On testing device navigate to My Projects and check if there are arrows next to project name ( represents changes to be downloaded/uploaded )
C5. Download changes by clicking on arrows
C6. Open project from Home page and visually check if changes are visible
Test D - Syncing Multiple Sources
Test Steps
D1. Open project with editable layer and add two features
D2. Open project in other device running Input or QGIS and also add two features
D3. Sync changes from QGIS/other device to Mergin server
D4. On testing device navigate to My Projects and click arrows to sync project
D5. Project should sync without failure
D6. Open project from Home page and visually check if changes from other device are on a map together with your changes