or set up a new project with following criteria and download it:
at least one editable layer (add several features)
2 or more identifiable layers (add several features)
have at least one of the layers without geometry
2 or more map themes
WMS capabilities allowed and extent set in QGIS (for zoom-to-project)
Project full extent is allowed and set in QGIS (for zoom-to-project)
Test A - GPS Test
Note: GPS signal is worse indoor
Test Steps
A1. Open the Project
A2. Marker on map should correctly indicate your current position
A3. GPS marker should also correctly indicate direction
A4. Check if direction is indicated properly when staying on one place and moving mobile
A5. Check if direction is indicated properly while moving
A6. Press and hold GPS button - map should be centered and follow your position respectively
A7. Press and hold GPS button again to release the centering
A8. Move to another country with map and click on GPS button
A9. Map canvas should center to your current position
Test B - Zoom to Project
Note: Project full extent works from QGIS 3.18 and higher (link). For QGIS 3.16, test just WMS capabilities extent. Here is PR link
Test Steps
B1. Open the project and move to another country than you set extent while creating project (see prerequirements)
B2. Click More in main panel and choose Zoom to project
B3. Map canvas should set proper zoom level and extent as set in Project full extent settings
Note: for input-testing/tc03_map_canvas it should zoom to Bratislava
B4. clear (uncheck) project full extent properties and synchronize the project with mergin and INPUT
B5. Click More in main panel and choose Zoom to project
B6. Map canvas should set proper zoom level and extent as set in project's WMS capabilities
Note: for input-testing/tc03_map_canvas it should zoom to Prague
B7. clear (uncheck) WMS capabilities in QGIS and synchronize the project with mergin and INPUT
B8. Click More in main panel and choose Zoom to project
B9. Map canvas should show whole map
Test C - Map Themes
Test Steps
C1. Open the project
C2. Click on More menu and select Map themes
C3. List of available map themes should be displayed and currently active theme highlighted
C4. Click on non-active theme
C5. Map canvas should rerender based on selected theme and list of themes close
C6. Open Map themes window again (C2)
C7. Same themes should appear but highlighted the one selected at C4
Test D - Browse Data / Features
Browse data can also be called Browse features
Test Steps
D1. Open the project
D2. Click on More and select Browse data
D3. Page with all identifiable layers should be displayed
D4. See if layers have correct icons
All icons can be easily determined, but no geometry icon looks like table
D5. Click on any layer that has geometry
D6. All features should now be displayed with proper icons (either icon of a layer or table icon if they do not have geometry yet)
D7. Click on feature with geometry
D8. Pages should be closed and map centered to selected feature. Features should also be identified and feature form in preview mode opened
D9. Open Browse data again and select no geometry layer
D10. No geometry features should be displayed
D11. Toolbar to add new feature should be displayed at the bottom of the page
D12. Click on any feature
D13. Fullscreen feature form for selected feature should be opened
D14. Hit back
D15. Application should take you back to features list of selected layer
Test E - Search in Browse Data
Test Steps
E1. Open the project and select Browse data in More menu
E2. Select any no geometry layer
E3. Type in searchbar and try to search for specific feature (either by feature id fid or any other text/numerical attribute)
E4. Features should be filtered according to searched string and found attribute listed together with its value in description text to each feature (see below image, searched for string eat)
E5. Clear the search text by removing one letter at the time ~ one letter in one second
E6. List of features should update accordingly
E7. Type the same string to searchbar again
E8. Click on any feature
E9. Fullscreen feature form should be visible for selected feature
E10. Hit Back to close feature form
E11. Application should redirect back to features list keeping the same search text and filter results
E12. Click again on any feature
E13. Delete this feature
E14. Application should redirect back to features list keeping the same search and list of features should be updated (without the one that was deleted)
E15. Clear the search text by hitting x button in the end of searchbar
E16. List of features should update accordingly (all features visible) and search text empty
Test F - Settings and About
F1. Open the project
F2. Click on More and select Settings
F3. Page like this should be displayed
F4. Switch on Follow GPS with map
F5. Go back to map and try to move map canvas
F6. Application should always recenter canvas to your current GPS position
F7. Go to Settings and switch off Follow GPS with map
F8. Go back to map and see if map no longer automatically centers to your position
F9. Open Settings again and click on About
F10. Check if version number is correct
F11. Under GPS settings, set the Accuracy threshold to 50 m
F12 Go back to the main map and check if the sign above GPS changes to green color
F13 Restart the app (swipe to close completely)
F13 Under setting, make sure the Accuracy threshold is still set to 50 m
Project setup
Project full extent is allowed and set in QGIS (for zoom-to-project)
Test A - GPS Test
Test Steps
A1. Open the Project
A2. Marker on map should correctly indicate your current position
A3. GPS marker should also correctly indicate direction
A4. Check if direction is indicated properly when staying on one place and moving mobile
A5. Check if direction is indicated properly while moving
A6. Press and hold GPS button - map should be centered and follow your position respectively
A7. Press and hold GPS button again to release the centering
A8. Move to another country with map and click on GPS button
A9. Map canvas should center to your current position
Test B - Zoom to Project
Test Steps
B1. Open the project and move to another country than you set extent while creating project (see prerequirements)
B2. Click More in main panel and choose Zoom to project
B3. Map canvas should set proper zoom level and extent as set in Project full extent settings
B4. clear (uncheck) project full extent properties and synchronize the project with mergin and INPUT
B5. Click More in main panel and choose Zoom to project
B6. Map canvas should set proper zoom level and extent as set in project's WMS capabilities
B7. clear (uncheck) WMS capabilities in QGIS and synchronize the project with mergin and INPUT
B8. Click More in main panel and choose Zoom to project
B9. Map canvas should show whole map
Test C - Map Themes
Test Steps
C1. Open the project
C2. Click on More menu and select Map themes
C3. List of available map themes should be displayed and currently active theme highlighted
C4. Click on non-active theme
C5. Map canvas should rerender based on selected theme and list of themes close
C6. Open Map themes window again (C2)
C7. Same themes should appear but highlighted the one selected at C4
Test D - Browse Data / Features
Test Steps
D1. Open the project
D2. Click on More and select Browse data
D3. Page with all identifiable layers should be displayed
D4. See if layers have correct icons
D5. Click on any layer that has geometry
D6. All features should now be displayed with proper icons (either icon of a layer or table icon if they do not have geometry yet)
D7. Click on feature with geometry
D8. Pages should be closed and map centered to selected feature. Features should also be identified and feature form in preview mode opened
D9. Open Browse data again and select no geometry layer
D10. No geometry features should be displayed
D11. Toolbar to add new feature should be displayed at the bottom of the page
D12. Click on any feature
D13. Fullscreen feature form for selected feature should be opened
D14. Hit back
D15. Application should take you back to features list of selected layer
Test E - Search in Browse Data
Test Steps
E1. Open the project and select Browse data in More menu
E2. Select any no geometry layer
E3. Type in searchbar and try to search for specific feature (either by feature id
or any other text/numerical attribute)E4. Features should be filtered according to searched string and found attribute listed together with its value in description text to each feature (see below image, searched for string
)E5. Clear the search text by removing one letter at the time ~ one letter in one second
E6. List of features should update accordingly
E7. Type the same string to searchbar again
E8. Click on any feature
E9. Fullscreen feature form should be visible for selected feature
E10. Hit Back to close feature form
E11. Application should redirect back to features list keeping the same search text and filter results
E12. Click again on any feature
E13. Delete this feature
E14. Application should redirect back to features list keeping the same search and list of features should be updated (without the one that was deleted)
E15. Clear the search text by hitting x button in the end of searchbar
E16. List of features should update accordingly (all features visible) and search text empty
Test F - Settings and About
F1. Open the project
F2. Click on More and select Settings
F3. Page like this should be displayed
F4. Switch on Follow GPS with map
F5. Go back to map and try to move map canvas
F6. Application should always recenter canvas to your current GPS position
F7. Go to Settings and switch off Follow GPS with map
F8. Go back to map and see if map no longer automatically centers to your position
F9. Open Settings again and click on About
F10. Check if version number is correct
F11. Under GPS settings, set the Accuracy threshold to 50 m
F12 Go back to the main map and check if the sign above GPS changes to green color
F13 Restart the app (swipe to close completely)
F13 Under setting, make sure the Accuracy threshold is still set to 50 m