lutris / buildbot

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kenshi installer uses broken winetricks dll, aborts #178

Closed Baerbeisser closed 6 months ago

Baerbeisser commented 6 months ago

The kenshi installer script tries to install borked vcrun6sp6, which results in error 256, abort. Seems like the winetricks dependency list is from some old thread from 2017 i stumbled upon shortly ago and lost it again.

Are vcrun6sp6 and vcrun2010 still needed? As far as i know, new vcrun are just the old one + additional libraries?

Although the game crashes for me on creating a new save with vcrun2022 (with useless error log). What does work?


strycore commented 6 months ago

Given how the script installs dxvk with winetricks, it has likely been written by someone who is absolutely clueless. A lot of winetricks tasks present in scripts are completely unneeded.

Scripts are maintained by the lutris community so don't hesitate to make edits to existing scripts to improve and fix them.