luukhaijes / kinde-angular

Angular wrapper around the Kinde Typescript SDK
MIT License
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Add featureFlag directive #7

Closed luukhaijes closed 2 days ago

luukhaijes commented 4 months ago

As a:


I want:

So that:

Acceptance Criteria:

Additional Considerations:

domvanrob commented 3 weeks ago

Hey @luukhaijes!

Was wondering whether this feature will still be developed, and if so, if there's a rough ETA on when this going to be released. The current implementation of the guards is great, but without the directive for UI manipulation, also quite redundant, as you'll still need to implement this yourself.

Would be a great addition and get more Angular developers to try out Kinde!

luukhaijes commented 3 weeks ago

Hey @domvanrob,

This feature is still on my mind, lately I have been busy buying a house with my girlfriend so I was a bit preoccupied. You're totally correct that this makes sense to have this with the guard. I will make an optimistic ETA of 2 weeks, I'm also going away for three days so after that I will dive into this and will ping you when I'm ready.

luukhaijes commented 2 weeks ago

Hey @domvanrob, working on it as we speak. Will be done somewhere coming firday.

luukhaijes commented 2 days ago

Fixed by #14