Closed 231tr0n closed 2 months ago
I had a similar issue and was able to solve it with the autocmd below. It turns off line numbers, relative line numbers, the signcolumn, and the foldcolumn for terminal buffers
vim.api.nvim_create_autocmd("TermOpen", {
command = "setlocal nonu nornu signcolumn=no foldcolumn=0"
I'm not sure it will work for the dap-repl or not. If it doesn't, you could try matching against the dap-repl's filetype as long as the ft is unique:
vim.api.nvim_create_autocmd("BufNew", {
pattern = '\\[dap-repl-*\\]'
command = 'setlocal nonu nornu signcolumn=no foldcolumn=0'
I had a similar issue and was able to solve it with the autocmd below. It turns off line numbers, relative line numbers, the signcolumn, and the foldcolumn for terminal buffers
vim.api.nvim_create_autocmd("TermOpen", { command = "setlocal nonu nornu signcolumn=no foldcolumn=0" })
I'm not sure it will work for the dap-repl or not. If it doesn't, you could try matching against the dap-repl's filetype as long as the ft is unique:
vim.api.nvim_create_autocmd("BufNew", { pattern = '\\[dap-repl-*\\]', command = 'setlocal nonu nornu signcolumn=no foldcolumn=0' })
Hi @roycrippen4! You are right, I mean TermOpen and BufWinEnter do the job of removing statusline completely. But, when I go to the source code of statuscol.nvim and see, apparantly it is also using the same handlers specifically FileType and BufWinEnter autocommand events to remove statusline altough it is not able to. That was why I raised this defect to see if there was anything I was doing wrong in my config for it to not get disabled.
Hi guys, sorry for the late response.
apparantly it is also using the same handlers specifically FileType and BufWinEnter autocommand events to remove statusline altough it is not able to.
This is working as intended; unsetting the 'statuscolumn' option in Neovim simply means that it will fall back to the default fold, number and sign columns. If you actually want to hide them that means that you have to unset their respective option values.
Hi luukvbaal! I am currently not able to disable line number and sign column for my terminal and dap-repl with the following config. Can you please help me figure out what is wrong with my config here or is the bt_ignore not meant for this task.