luukvdmeer / sfnetworks

Tidy Geospatial Networks in R
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k shortest path problem #142

Open CKerouanton opened 3 years ago

CKerouanton commented 3 years ago

Hello, sfnetworks is a great work, thanks!

Would it be possible to integrate a k shortest path function? That would be a great insight for path selection studies in mobility. I think igraph already integrates such a function but I'm not sure.



luukvdmeer commented 3 years ago

The shortest paths functions in sfnetworks are wrappers around igraph functions, so indeed this would depend on if igraph has such a function. As far as I am aware of, they don't.

There is the option in igraph to calculate all simple paths between two nodes. In sfnetworks you can do that by running st_network_paths(from, to, type = "all_simple"). Then, you can afterwards subset that set of all simple paths by selecting only the k shortest ones. However, calculating all simple paths can be terribly slow when you provide a lot of "to" nodes, or when you have a large or very dense network. So it might not be the optimal solution to your problem.

When I am wrong and igraph actually has a function for the k shortest paths routing, of course we should implement an sfnetwork wrapper around that.

luukvdmeer commented 3 years ago

See also:

CKerouanton commented 3 years ago

hey thanks for your quick reply! Indeed "all simple" can be a very long process, and reducing the network would bring some bias or it would complexify the approach I think... Again thanks, can't wait for the wrapper :)

idshklein commented 3 years ago

did you try to look at the yenpathy package? it is a bit of a twisted solution but it might work

CKerouanton commented 3 years ago

Hello thanks for the reply, yes I tried it unsuccessfully. I will try again, harder.

luukvdmeer commented 9 months ago

May be coming to the igraph R package soon: Once its there we can easily include it in the st_network_paths function

idshklein commented 7 months ago

it's here