Also thanks to this benchmark, I've realized that optimizing for the final single swap is not really worth the size, and since I've claimed for udomdiff to be the smallest standalone differ out there, I want its size to be competitive with other libraries in here, even if others are not really standalone projects that work out of the box with the DOM.
It'd be great to update both size and performance in the README, even if I'm not expecting much changes in terms of perf (it could be slightly worse, but being around 420 bytes instead of 460 feels right).
Also thanks to this benchmark, I've realized that optimizing for the final single swap is not really worth the size, and since I've claimed for udomdiff to be the smallest standalone differ out there, I want its size to be competitive with other libraries in here, even if others are not really standalone projects that work out of the box with the DOM.
It'd be great to update both size and performance in the README, even if I'm not expecting much changes in terms of perf (it could be slightly worse, but being around 420 bytes instead of 460 feels right).