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Proper Full Shutdown disabled? #2

Open RMichaelSwan opened 4 years ago

RMichaelSwan commented 4 years ago

If the disable_interface option is set to true in /opt/ros/kinetic/share/qt_robot_interface/config/qtrobot-interface.yaml it seems the robot does not fully shutdown when the shutdown button is pressed or when the command is entered from the web interface. Specifically, I can still hear the Intel NUC's fan running even after the screen turns off. Is there a workaround for this or modification that could be made to the shutdown script?

apaikan commented 4 years ago

It might happen sometimes motors do not go properly to their parking positions after shutdown. There should be some issues in qt_motor interface node which does not stop properly. However, your robot including RPI and NUC (if exists) DOES shutdown safely!

Notice : Fan is always working until you unplug the robot from the power supply. So This is a normal behavior to hear fan after shutdown!

RMichaelSwan commented 4 years ago

Haven't had any issues on the motor shutdown, was just unsure if I should still be hearing the fan or not.