luxas / kubeadm-workshop

Showcasing a bare-metal multi-platform kubeadm setup with persistent storage and monitoring
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I do not see custom-metrics-apiserver pod #38

Open sdhanraj opened 6 years ago

sdhanraj commented 6 years ago

Hi @luxas, I am following the sample provided @ to try horizontal scaling of pods. During the creation of custom API server when I do "kubectl create -f custom-metrics.yaml", I see that the custom service is deployed. But I do not see the pod corresponding to it. Is there a step I am missing?

kubectl create -f custom-metrics.yaml --show-all=true namespace "custom-metrics" created serviceaccount "custom-metrics-apiserver" created clusterrolebinding "custom-metrics:system:auth-delegator" created rolebinding "custom-metrics-auth-reader" created clusterrole "custom-metrics-read" created clusterrolebinding "custom-metrics-read" created deployment "custom-metrics-apiserver" created service "api" created apiservice "" created clusterrole "custom-metrics-server-resources" created clusterrolebinding "hpa-controller-custom-metrics" created

kubectl get pods -n custom-metrics No resources found.

Location of custom metrics yaml

sdhanraj commented 6 years ago

I did a browse on cluster and in the namespace corresponding to custom metrics server I see the following error.

Error creating: pods "" is forbidden: SecurityContext.RunAsUser is forbidden

sdhanraj commented 6 years ago

I see the same issue when I follow the instructions @ I am creating a ACS cluster on Azure and version of Kubernetes is 1.7.9.

StevieBowman commented 6 years ago

@sdhanraj Had the same error message on ACS (1.9.2). You need to edit the kube-apiserver.yaml (sudo vi kube-apiserver.yaml) on the Master Server (found in /etc/kubernetes/manifests). Remove the SecurityContextDeny from the --admission-control=NamespaceLifecycle,LimitRanger,ServiceAccount,DefaultStorageClass,ResourceQuota,DenyEscalatingExec,AlwaysPullImages,SecurityContextDeny argument in the file. Save the file.