luxeengine / alpha

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Tilemap, changing the depth of all tiles in a layer make some tiles disappear #364

Closed Blist closed 8 years ago

Blist commented 8 years ago


I have a map with multiple layer. I want to make the depth of a layer behind my player, but I have a bug that occurs randomly. When I want to change the depth of a whole layer some tiles disappear.

Important thing: I don't have this bug on cpp build just with web build.

my code to update the depth

public function uplayer(name:String, depth:Float) {
        var layer:luxe.tilemaps.TilemapVisualLayerGeometry = tilemap.visual.geometry_for_layer(name);
        for (row in layer) {
            for (tile in row) {
                if (tile != null) {
                    tile.depth = depth;

A snippet to reproduce the bug :

import luxe.Input;
import phoenix.Texture;
import luxe.tilemaps.Tilemap;

class Main extends luxe.Game {
    var tilemap:Tilemap;

    override function ready() {
        tilemap = new Tilemap({
            x: 0,
            y: 0,
            w: 16,
            h: 16,
            tile_width: 16,
            tile_height: 16,
            orientation: TilemapOrientation.ortho,

        Luxe.resources.texture("assets/tiles.png").filter_mag = FilterType.nearest;

            tile_width: 16,
            tile_height: 16,
            texture: Luxe.resources.texture("assets/tiles.png"),
            name: "default",
            first_id: 0,

            name: "one",
            visible: true,
            opacity: 1,
            layer: 1,


            filter: FilterType.nearest,
            scale: 3,

        uplayer("one", 3);


    override function config(config:luxe.AppConfig) {
        return config;

    public function uplayer(name:String, depth:Float) {
        var layer:luxe.tilemaps.TilemapVisualLayerGeometry = tilemap.visual.geometry_for_layer(name);
        for (row in layer) {
            for (tile in row) {
                if (tile != null) {
                    tile.depth = depth;

the tile is use for the snippet (from PentaHelix's issue)


Blist commented 8 years ago

Some strange thing,

if I trace the transform.pos of each geometry that I have update, holes disappear ...

Without trace : without With trace : with


public function uplayer(name:String, depth:Float) {
        var layer:luxe.tilemaps.TilemapVisualLayerGeometry = tilemap.visual.geometry_for_layer(name);
        for (row in layer) {
            for (tile in row) {
                if (tile != null) {
                    tile.depth = depth;

Maybe, tilemap refresh his display before that all tiles are updates ?

KeyMaster- commented 8 years ago

Fixed with 5c38950 and 596c821. Geometry sorting was getting confused due to some subtle bugs.