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Altium Designs for DepthAI Carrier Boards
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Oak-1-W and Oak-1-Global? #223

Open justin-larking-pk opened 2 years ago

justin-larking-pk commented 2 years ago

Any plans in the future for an Oak-1 variant with a wide angle view lens and/or a global shutter camera to help with motion blur etc? I've been using the oak-1 and oak-1-poe and while they work great they lack the flexibility to do a a lot of tasks, i.e. when I need a higher field of view or global shutter camera to help with situations with there's a lot of movement. Of course this is in specific situations where stereo depth is not needed. else wise i'm aware there the oak-d-w etc.

Luxonis-Brandon commented 2 years ago

Hi @justin-larking-pk ,

Thanks. Great suggestion. Yes, we are planning this. See below: image

So actually if you would like to order one of these variants, you can do so via our store now (but note this is a customized order so it will take ~3 months) by order OAK-1, and then specifying the customization desired with the customization coupon. The same options for OAK-D-W (and so on) will be available in OAK-1 via this technique.

To do so, order both of these below:


And specify which sensor and lens that you would like.

justin-larking-pk commented 2 years ago

Would a POE variant be able to be ordered? Specially POE oak-1 with OV9782 NFOV IR-Blocking?

Luxonis-Brandon commented 2 years ago

Unfortunately we don't have a PoE modular camera version just yet. We'd need to take that on as a design project.

Background: the OAK-1-PoE design still has the old Sunny-style connector for the IMX378, which is particular to only that sensor. So we'd need to re-do that part of the design and order an additional batch. We already did this re-do for OAK-1, but not yet OAK-1-PoE.

Feel free to shoot us an email at if it's of interest in contributing to having this made (e.g. if you would like to do a volume order or help cover costs of making this new version).

justin-larking-pk commented 2 years ago

Ah only looking for two of this particular design at the moment. However does this mean that the CCM connectors would be standardised so that any sensor can be swapped out for another? i.e. imx378 for an ov9782 in the same spot? I had previously tried to modify an oak-d to essentially an oak-d-w but ran into the issue that the ov9782 supplied by arducam cant connect in the imx378's place.

Luxonis-Brandon commented 2 years ago

Shoot sorry @justin-larking-pk I just noticed I missed this.

Yes, they are being standardized like you mention here. And yes IMX378 and OV9782 can then be swapped on the PCBA. With the only change needed between the two being the mechanical portion in front of it (i.e. so that the aluminum doesn't block the wide FOV optics).

And actually you can jam a Wide FOV OV9782 (150° DFOV) into this new OAK-1 design (with the internal modular CCM connector), it just looks a bit funny and the glass doesn't fit on (as the optics would hit it): image

So we're making a new front for Wide FOV that makes this fit more naturally: image

stephansturges commented 2 years ago

... and here is the final version! image

Spoiler alert: they are awesome, and can be configured to output an excellent rectilinear image with high light-sensitivity preserving a fair chunk of the wide FOV!

Luxonis-Brandon commented 2 years ago

The photos above are with OV9782 (global shutter color 1MP). And OV9282 (global shutter grayscale). And below is IMX378 wide FOV 120° DFOV.

20220504_101316 20220504_101310 20220504_101306 20220504_101257 20220504_101225

justin-larking-pk commented 2 years ago

Looks good! Any indication on when these may be available to order? Also any indication on when POE variants with these features will be available?

Luxonis-Brandon commented 2 years ago

Thanks! And sorry about the delay. You can order here:

And then leave notes w/ any specificity if you want color, global shutter, etc. E.g. OV9282 wide FOV, or OV9782 wide FOV, or IMX378 wide FOV.

And for the PoE. Good call. We should do the same there too. Will ask.

justin-larking-pk commented 1 year ago

Any update on a wide FOV POE variant?

Luxonis-David commented 1 year ago

@justin-larking-pk OAK-1-W-PoE is currently in production and we are waiting for first batch to be finished mid December. After that we will be starting fulfilling backorders, you can expect all variants in Early Access Store soon. CC: @cafemoloko