luyadev / luya

LUYA is a scalable web framework and content management system with the goal to please developers, clients and users alike.
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Installation >> General Setup: Missing $WEBROOT/luya-kickstarter/public_html/admin Directory #1832

Closed DebianJK closed 6 years ago

DebianJK commented 6 years ago

Hello, While following closely with to install luyadev/luya-kickstarter:~1.0.3, I can successfully access http://localhost/luya-kickstarter/public_html and get to the home page saying that quote 'You are ready!' But when I click on the |Open administration area|, I get quote 'The requested URL /admin was not found on this server'.

What steps will reproduce the problem?

My environment (Fresh PXE/preseed install): Debian 9.4; apache2 v2.4.25-3+deb9u4 with mod-rewrite; mariadb-server v10.1.26-0+deb9u1;
php7.0 v7.0.30-0+deb9u1; composer v1.2.2-1;

Installation steps: composer global require "fxp/composer-asset-plugin:~1.4" cd /var/www; composer create-project luyadev/luya-kickstarter:~1.0.3 cd /var/www/luya-kickstarter/configs; cp env.php.dist env.php; cd /var/www/luya-kickstarter/configs; cp env-local-db.php.dist env-local-db.php; vi /var/www/luya-kickstarter/configs/env-local-db.php; cd /var/www/luya-kickstarter; ./luya migrate cd /var/www/luya-kickstarter; ./luya import cd /var/www/luya-kickstarter; ./luya admin/setup cd /var/www/luya-kickstarter; ./luya health [result=OK]

What is the expected result?

The directory $WEBROOT//luya-kickstarter/public_html/admin should exist!

What do you get instead? (A Screenshot can help us a lot!)

The following error had occurred (quote):

luya\admin\importers\StorageImporter: key | Value erroe | unable to find a storage folder compare.

And the directory $WEBROOT//luya-kickstarter/public_html/admin is missing Quote:

Not Found The requested URL /admin was not found on this server. Apache/2.4.25 (Debian) Server at Port 80"

LUYA Check ouput (run this script and post the result: luyacheck.php)

Additional infos

Q1. Don't have php7 extension icu! Which deb? Q2. Could mariadb-server be the problem?

| LUYA Version | 1.0.3? | PHP Version | php7.0 v7.0.30-0+deb9u1 | Platform | apache2 v2.4.25-3+deb9u4 with mod-rewrite | Operating system | Debian 9.4;

nadar commented 6 years ago

hi @DebianJK

  1. if migration was installed successfully, it should not be a problem with maria db
  2. Looks like mod_rewrite is not enabled if you get the message from your webserver.
nadar commented 6 years ago

or do you get the message from the application? (Its written in red, parsed by yii)

DebianJK commented 6 years ago

Hi nadar, Thanks! From my 1st post (quote):

apache2 v2.4.25-3+deb9u4 with mod-rewrite; [sic]

had been indeed enabled and I do not get the message from the app written in red. The real issue had been described in the title. That is the Debian 9.4 box is

Missing $WEBROOT/luya-kickstarter/public_html/admin Directory


nadar commented 6 years ago

But this screenshots shows to me that the webserver can not process the htaccess informations. There is no "admin" directory in public_html this is done by url rules and the admin module is located in the vendor folder.

  1. What does your config look like?
  2. What does return?
  3. Even when mod_rewrite is enabled you have to configure this in your virtual host of apache allowing to override like AllowOverride All - have you done this step?
DebianJK commented 6 years ago

File=/etc/apache2/sites-available/000-default.conf (Entire file) <VirtualHost *:80> ServerAdmin webmaster@localhost DocumentRoot /var/www/luya-kickstarter/public_html ErrorLog ${APACHE_LOG_DIR}/error.log CustomLog ${APACHE_LOG_DIR}/access.log combined <\/VirtualHost>

File=/var/www/luya-kickstarter/public_html/.htaccess (installed by luya) Options +FollowSymLinks IndexIgnore / RewriteEngine on SetEnvIf Authorization .+ HTTP_AUTHORIZATION=$0 # php-fastci support RewriteRule .* - [E=HTTP_AUTHORIZATION:%{HTTP:Authorization}] # php-fpm support RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d RewriteRule . index.php .... 1: [in_array('mod_rewrite', apache_get_modules())] true 2: [ini_get('short_open_tag')] '' 3: [ini_get('error_reporting')] '22527' 4: [phpversion()] '7.0.30-0+deb9u1' 5: [php_ini_loaded_file()] '/etc/php/7.0/apache2/php.ini' 6: [php_sapi_name()] 'apache2handler' 7: [isset($_SERVER['SERVER_SOFTWARE']) ? $_SERVER['SERVER_SOFTWARE'] : unknown] 'Apache/2.4.25 (Debian)'

Regarding your 3. above: Q. Do you mean I need to add to 000-default.conf? <Directory /var/www/luya-kickstarter/public_html> AllowOverride All <\/Directory>

DebianJK commented 6 years ago

Hi, @nadar, Thanks! That was it. Modified file=/etc/apache2/sites-available/000-default.conf as below solved the problem: <VirtualHost *:80> ServerAdmin webmaster@localhost DocumentRoot /var/www/luya-kickstarter/public_html ErrorLog ${APACHE_LOG_DIR}/error.log CustomLog ${APACHE_LOG_DIR}/access.log combined <\/VirtualHost> <Directory /var/www/luya-kickstarter/public_html> AllowOverride All <\/Directory>

Issue resolved!

nadar commented 6 years ago

Perfect. Enjoy LUYA, hope you like it.

DebianJK commented 6 years ago

Hi, @nadar The pleasure is mine. Many thanks for your help! Yii & Luya are very powerful tools indeed.

delinde commented 4 years ago

Hi @nadar, now, please, can we solve this issue for the server LIGHTTPD / Lighty as well?

We would have to write into the file lighttpd.conf something like this ... $HTTP["host"] == "" { server.document-root = "/var/www/" url.rewrite-once = ( "^luya-kickstarter/index.php/admin$" => "luya-kickstarter/that/very/target/admin/index.php" ) } ... (if I have understood this correctly) – but what would be that/very/target/admin ?

Another approach – why not do this with a symbolic link like this ln -s that/very/target/admin/index.php admin within the folder luya-kickstarter, so we can invoke it like this: _ ? TIA for a solution!

nadar commented 4 years ago

hi @delinde

Personally i have no experience with LIGHTTPD. As LUYA is built upong Yii Framework, i am sure there are people running the Yii Application on LIGHTTPD.

Regarding the admin, this is not available as "physical" folder, its an url rule pointing to the admin module.

I found that somewhere in the Yii Framework forum, maybe this helps?

$HTTP["host"] == "" {

    server.document-root = "/your/path/www/public_html" = ""

    dir-listing.activate = "disable"

    index-file.names = ( "index.php", "index.html" )

url.rewrite-once = (

        "^/(.*)" => "/index.php"


So maybe i should also ask, what is your problem then? You are not able to open the admin but url rules work? Need more info. maybe create a new issue.