luyadev / luya

LUYA is a scalable web framework and content management system with the goal to please developers, clients and users alike.
MIT License
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luya module mailchimp don't appear in module block #883

Closed MarcosGit closed 8 years ago

MarcosGit commented 8 years ago

Hi, Nadar.

I installed mailchimp module but the block "Module" does not list this module.


nadar commented 8 years ago

Hi @MarcosGit

Have you added the mailchimp module to the configuration file as described in the readme and reloaded the administration Interface?

MarcosGit commented 8 years ago

Yes i did all this

nadar commented 8 years ago

Could you show us your running configuration? (the one return from server.php). Please remove sensitive data ;-)

MarcosGit commented 8 years ago

 * This is the base config. It doesn't hold any informations about the database and is only used for local development.
 * Use localdb.php to configure you database.

 * Enable or disable the debugging, if those values are deleted YII_DEBUG is false and YII_ENV is prod.
 * The YII_ENV value will also be used to load assets based on enviroment (see assets/ResourcesAsset.php)

defined('YII_ENV') or define('YII_ENV', 'local');
defined('YII_DEBUG') or define('YII_DEBUG', true);

$config = [

     * For best interoperability it is recommended that you use only alphanumeric characters when specifying an application ID
    'id' => 'gmtwebsite',

     * The name of your site, will be display on the login screen
    'siteTitle' => 'GMT',

     * Set the administration area language. Available language short codes: "en", "de" and "ru"
    'luyaLanguage' => 'en',

     * Let the application know which module should be executed by default (if no url is set). This module must be included 
     * in the modules section. In the most cases you are using the cms as default handler for your website. But the concept
     * of LUYA is also that you can use the Website without the CMS module! 
    'defaultRoute' => 'cms',

     * Define the basePath of the project (Yii Configration Setup
    'basePath' => dirname(__DIR__),

    'modules' => [

         * If you have other administration module (like cmsadmin) then you going to need this module. The Admin module provides
         * a lot of functionalitiy like storage system etc. But the basic concept of LUYA is also that you can use LUYA without the
         * admin module.
         * @secureLogin: (boolean) This will activated a two-way authentification method where u get a token sent by mail, for this feature
         * you have to make sure the mail component is configured correctly, you can test with console command `./vendor/bin/luya health/mailer`.
        'admin' => [
            'class' => 'admin\Module',
            'secureLogin' => false, // when enabling secure login, the mail component must be proper configured otherwise the auth token mail will not send.

         * You can use the cms module if you like.
        'cms' => [
            'class' => 'cms\Module',
            'assets' => [
            'enableCompression' => true, // compressing the cms output (removing white spaces and newlines)

         * This is the administration module for the `cms` module.
        'cmsadmin' => 'cmsadmin\Module',

//        'news' => 'news\Module',
//        'newsadmin' => 'newsadmin\Module',

        // ...
        'contactform' => [
            'class' => 'contactform\Module',
            'attributes' => [
                'name', 'email', 'street', 'city', 'tel', 'message',
            'attributeLabels' => [
                'email' => 'E-Mail',
                'name' => 'Name',
                'street' => 'Street',
                'city' => 'City',
                'tel' => 'Tel',
                'message' => 'Message',
            'rules' => [
                [['name', 'email', 'message'], 'required'],
                ['email', 'email'],
            'recipients' => [
        'newsletter-form' => [
            'class' => 'mailchimp\Module',
            'listId' => 'MailChimp-List-ID',
            'attributes' => [
                'email', 'FIRSTNAME', 'LASTNAME', 'STREET', 'ZIP_CITY', 'COUNTRY'
            'rules' => [
                [['email', 'FIRSTNAME', 'LASTNAME', 'ZIP_CITY', 'COUNTRY'], 'required'],
                ['email', 'email'],
            'attributeLabels' => [
                'email' => 'E-Mail',
                'FIRSTNAME' => 'Firstname',
                'LASTNAME' => 'Lastname',
                'STREET' => 'Street',
                'ZIP_CITY' => 'Zip/City',
                'COUNTRY' => 'Country',
            'recipients' => [
            'mailchimpApi' => 'MailChimp API Key',

    'components' => [

         * Add your smtp connection to the mail component to send mails (which is required for secure login), you can test your
         * mail component with the luya console command ./vendor/bin/luya health/mailer.
        'mail' => [
            'host' => '',
            'username' => '',
            'password' => '*************',
            'from' => '',
            'fromName' => 'Antonio Monteiro',

         * ATTENTION:
         * To help us improve our Software you can enable (true) this property to send all Exceptions directly to the luya developer team. The follwing informations will be transfered:
         * - $_GET, $_POST, $_SERVER and $_SESSION data
         * - Exception Object (inlcuding stack trace, line, linenr, message, file)
         * You can also create your own errorapi (zehir/luya-modul-errorapi) module to get notification
         * about the errors from your projects.
        'errorHandler' => [
            'transferException' => false,

         * The composition component handles your languages and they way your urls will look like. The composition componentn will
         * automatically add the language prefix you have defined in `default` to your url (the language part in the url "").
         * hidden: (boolean) If this website is not multilingual you can hidde the composition, other whise you have to enable this.
        'composition' => [
            'hidden' => true, // you will not have languages in your url (most case for pages which are not multi lingual)
            'default' => ['langShortCode' => 'en'], // the default language for the composition should match your default language shortCode in the langauge table.

         * When you are enabling the cache, luya will cache cms blocks and speed up the system in different ways. In the prep config
         * we use the DummyCache to "fake" the caching behavior, but actually nothing gets cached, when your in production you should
         * use caching which matches your hosting environment. In most cases yii\caching\FileCache will result in fast website.
        'cache' => [
            'class' => 'yii\caching\DummyCache', // use: yii\caching\FileCache

        'i18n' => [
            'translations' => [
                'app*' => [
                    'class' => 'yii\i18n\PhpMessageSource',
    'bootstrap' => [

 * if you want to use the debug and gii modules of yii, add them to your composer.json in the require section:
 * "yiisoft/yii2-gii" : "*"
 * "yiisoft/yii2-debug" : "*"

/*if (YII_DEBUG) {
    $config['bootstrap'][] = 'debug';
    $config['modules']['debug'] = 'yii\debug\Module';
    $config['bootstrap'][] = 'gii';
    $config['modules']['gii'] = 'yii\gii\Module';

return \yii\helpers\ArrayHelper::merge($config, require('localdb.php'));
nadar commented 8 years ago

All right, i got the error. Thanks for you Report!

@martinpetrasch is there any reason for choosing admin\base\Module instead of luya\base\Module?

martinpetrasch commented 8 years ago

I've changed the base module in

Please try again!

nadar commented 8 years ago

@MarcosGit run composer update to get the latest version of the module.

MarcosGit commented 8 years ago

Ok now its work good. Thanks.